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The stream (all workshops)

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on nights when the rain embroiders doilies
i am writing to you to keep my hands warm
the rainpuddles are not forgotten and
i tell you that the next storm is coming
carrying crowns

on the streets, oil slicks
these are your rainbows
hung out to dry and

they are like our love
they are a beach
and i don't know the words i will write
until they turn against me
like an outgoing tide

you were the trellis the stars climbed
when you dreamed of me as
the sweet face of the moon


It is one more story how these bags came
Or to bear the name now, ‘Ghana must go’
Amongst traders, they carry their wares
Our parliament, said to have used it once
To carry looted money to bribe for a bill
Publicly displayed in-house to lobby and lure
For votes that will increase their incidentals
Emolument for security and tenure elongation



The biter is her shell
The poison.
The anger
Mixed by secrets
Sometime she will tell

Her life
The hurt
The pain
So many questions
Of love

This was the bitter
In her life
This scar
Will not heal
To the day she dies

Never a life
Of trust
She always hides
The sweetness in her mind



To be a mountain!
Is too some, a life personified
Embodying the characteristic, of a mountain
Their volume of insecurity is larger than life
They need the allusion of strength
For solitude in their pride

To be a river!
Is freedom too some
Flowing without boundaries
The truth will not confine them
To face the lies, that they have become

life in grays and black!

In the solitude of blindness, you have found resolve. Choosing to see life in grays and black!
Your resolution a legacy in monochrome

Simply your eyes only see pain in the archives of your heart. However, before this pain there was bliss, the sublime kaleidoscope of trust and love
In this solitude of blindness what will your truth become!

A Long Love Poem

I like you girl;
better'n chicken,
better'n liking myself I reckon

more than any other thing alive;
more than life passing,
or the promise of time


let winds fingers ramble through the tangle
my hair wild
and the leaves whispering in their urgent hiss
I can feel the gravity in my legs the
uneven brickwork and sunbleached blacktop

I push myself forward
for going back is like stepping
into the cool shadowdream

where I'm neither awake
nor concious

I remember the brown tea waters
of the creek always alive
always moving under the sweet
bridge the shaded tree limbed
sanctuary of respite

common dreams, alienations


we had a common dream once
to know the sky and sea as well as
the black willow's reflection inside a mirrored lake,
but rose petals and fireballs fell and
disturbed our vision

The Cost of Living

The cost of existing is high
Prompting me to cry
No matter how hard I try
I can’t discern, my way in life

Spiraling prices place me in a fix
Per buyers spending picks
Low wages mainly a trick
To craft the minority rich

Thus creating majority poor
Per capita distinction core


Hanging on tattered zinc, flaccid in the wind
The roof of a dilapidated school structure bore
The electoral sign, green codes upon white
Danced seemingly beckoning on the voters
To come and cast, to choose a new a leader

The aluminum plate tied with a twine
Like the hangman’s noose, it droops
As if rocking reflectively on the past
To mock the contestants on display
Some who want to win at all cost


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