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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The Question Remains...

The sound of silence soothes the ear
My eyes feast upon the stars
The shell that hosts my mind is earthbound
and thoughts float among the stellar

Finding new meaning in all the mundane things
I glory in the ephiphanies of day to day discovery
Daring not to close my eyes
I might miss some new revelation

I cringe in the brightness of each axiom
and reach for the peace of complacency
Up and down the scale of emotion
I am lifted and I fall
Surrendering... then fighting
as though I can win

out of reach ~ (an Orphani poem)

going to work
another person is closing
the opening world, belonging
to some final forever
in the dreams of their hands

flaking pigments rise
to the order of the dust
while the lords of sun rule the air with smells
below Cleveland street signs decaying their molecules
mathematically into summer's heat

drops of you

the smell of you
permeates my skin
drops of you

i am a bow for your
plucking, you are my

play me


He never knew these beautiful children existed
Not even the wind carried their native names
Your face wore a screen over eighteen moons
A spinster who knew incredibly little about men
Just out of a broken friendship with one Charles

Those who had eyes saw clearly through the veil
Hatched secret plans of freedom to evict the sham
Futile, their attempts, his love for you, the barrier
Some women are married to wars, like Helen of Troy
Women of Owu suffered from wanton war of love

The House On The Hill

He remembers their first time, in the evening chill
near to the cornfield behind the house on the hill.
Where the old folks live who are lost behind its door
and don’t know where, or who they are any more.

He visits her most days, she often doesn’t know who he is
up at the house on the hill, where she now needs to live.
Sometimes she looks at him with a certain look in her eye
and he knows that look and he tries hard not to cry.

At wits' end

I have put up with you enough
You keep challenging my rights
From my parents, I inherited this house
But you wouldn’t accept it’s mine
You’ve sneaked in, to live in here
As if you’ve got a birth right
The legal system wouldn’t help me
To remove you from the site
You use my things; from my table you eat
But I don’t earn for both you and I
I tried chasing you off the bounds
You wouldn’t budge, despite my trying!

requiem for a poem

i left them again
words spread like honey
sticking to my image

these dreams come
and i am shattered
you speak me
and i am silenced
Avalokiteśvara looks down
tangled in grape vines

i am crushed
with poems

i bear no gifts
no regrets
no sorrow
i am wordless
in a world gone mad.


From mire to mud
Man returns
Humanity moves on
A sea of sand in time
Like the grower’s hoe

Pebbles in the sand
A reminiscent search
Smoothly shaped stones
Passed for ornaments

Forms fancied by brood
Congregated to swell
Collectibles in places
Full of sandstone shingles

Historic stones erected
For those who made it
Human kind reflects
Its dazzling personages
Like stars shinning
A twinkle enchantment

if despair had a name

if he brings a midnight poem he's written
will i let him read it
will we read it a few times
out loud, as we have in the past
and if he shoots like a rocket
into the forest, igniting the fire
as he has in the past
will i want to see him again

because his voice
lifts the gray from flowers
because he says i swell and
break the silence within him

When I Fell Into The Ocean

And when I fell, I fell into the ocean
Head in my hands and all
And when I looked up through that holy water
The blur of the moon catching me fall
And as I cried, I cried like a child
Lost in the arms of its mother
And sucking my thumb, I fell into the womb

And when I fell, I fell into the ocean
Hands in prayer and all
And when I looked up through that holy water
I saw the moon turn to blood and evolve
And as I cried, I cried like a child
Lost in the simplest sin
And crushing my heart was your work of art


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