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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Peace Attained....

Peace Attained…..

If I could soar as the eagle, feel
the troubled winds of Earth flow
through feathered wings.
I would snatch the will of
man then watch over what
goodness nature brings.

Silly notions in my mind I’ve known
that man must have the heart of stone.
Greed guides our every movement sly
all that oppose must move or die.
Canvases and trinkets made from jewel
the killing off of peoples their lands to rule.

Trait of the Narrows

After totaling the greater sum
of broken hearts you've caused,

and subtracting when the heart was yours
and your life was quietly paused;

multiplied by every single time
you brought another joy,

and divided by the pure attempts
you took no credit, and was coy;

knowing in your heart of hearts
you know nothing that's for sure,

all the while blindly believing
that love for others is what's pure.

Proudly humble that your actions
have always shown integrity,

Romanian Lover

Through the garden path I walked
She sat astride the bench
Quiet, silent and cute,
Her pretty pet so mute
I walked unknowingly

Then rested on the opposite side
On an isolated branch of a tree.
As I closed my eyes in reverie,
She came alongside
And calmly sat beside
Without any fear
As she smiled.

Wow such a beautiful face,
A sweet virginous smile,
Fair and cute,
I queried from where she hailed
She softly replied, Romania.


The Mediterranean pales at the beauty
Of the exquisite pleasure of seeing
Your undeniable features
Eyes, lips, and skin

Your dark hair shining
Like the moon reflecting
Upon the sea, which takes away
The breathe of those who see

The song that is your voice
Stops the heart
With flights of fancy
Creating pictures in a fevered mind

You are the dream of many
But few can hold
For you are a rare gem
That can’t be bought or sold


As we sit at a little table
in a mid-priced restaurant
with noise and diners all around
we hardly say a thing

Perhaps others glance at us
misreading the sight they behold
thinking how sad it must be
to become, like us, quiet and old

But we converse in ways unheard
shrugged shoulder, eyes rolled to above
seldom needing any word
to convey our thoughts and love

how to gild a lily

Death stalks me, cunning and
irreverent, ambushes me
with a deep righteous depression days after
the golden sky set and the morning
arrived with gilded pools of liquid light.

Days grow shorter in the autumn of my years,
there is no point to my pointing, the moon
will always remain long after the end of my days.
Those who will remember me will remember what
they will, perhaps with a trace of kindness before
my ashes will have blown away,

They will receive
Hallmark cards of poems and laugh at the irony.


Out there
In the fields
When farmer’s hoe
Labours into harvest
Which roots were separated from the seeds?

Out there
In the seas
Where fish and man commune
In boiling pots for excrement
What conferences of greedy eating mouths?

Out there
In life
Here and far beyond
When breathe has stopped.
What have we left to show that men were once here?


I see my reflection
this Winter day
in the morning mist
cold, still. steel gray
a strange connection
an oddity mystical
of sometime occurrence
of something more than me

I step through the hours
In painful motions slow
my heart beats to the rhythm
of a certain melancholy.
I long for my yesterdays
feel my mortality sharp and clear
and I fear death’s coming
until day breaks away
from night's visions surreal

Omo Harmonies

there are harmonious things
that appear:
the sun in alignment with the cobble-stoned earth
dreams we grasp in our hands, clay and water
stones do not speak of sepia deafness,
rites of passage do not wear peacock plumes

we are Omo people, wed to the spirit of earth,
wild flowers,
rivers of devotion.

Every once in a while, I revisit this youtube...


People are unreasonable,illlogical and self centered. Love them anyway....

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish interior motives. Do good anyway....

If you are successful,you win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway....

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway....

What you spend years building may be destroyed over night. Build anyway....

People really need may attack you if you help them. Help people anyway...


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.