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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



by the window sits
collecting drops
of day sized thoughts

"its all in the angles"
discerning dusk
decieving dawn

breaths yellowed
lampshade curve
like a hand
turning the sullen
the skein of veins
like the beauty of

"designs of fortune"
your tea leave taste
that lingers like rain
falling in its haste


In this enterprise we call family
My partner is a passionate partaker
Moaning all through in bed like a Billy
And says nothing at all thereafter
Like a ghost in and out of the house
Laid back and contributes nothing
In temper, you need water to douse
Raving when I’ve not said anything
And not bothered by the tick in time
While the kids grow to see us fight
Bring money home, not from crime
My parrot partner plays, what a sight
And forgets that there is work to do
I am quiet; but I know what to say

A lively Refrain ....

Notwithstanding the angle of the arrow
Pointed towards Loved...
One who is too much of a narcissist
and egoist,
Incorrigible to the core
Is audacious to call some poets ,of yore

One who knows no poetry?
That’s for sure,

How in hell, Loved produces
A gem off and on,
One can’t be too sure.
But the best chiseller
We have met,
Is our dearest friend,
We all know…

Lady in the Water

elongated shimmers reflect
the water of movement
on her face,

life swirls around
brushing past


she stares into liquid pools of light
blinded as a supernova
peeks out from inside

Fear, a Notion

I've got myself this, "theory"
a crazy notion, my mind voluntarily, had;

I consider all things to be mathematical
and if they're worthwhile you'd best learn, to add.

Just total, all of your blessings
and, your sorrows you'll have to subtract;

you'll then see, a much clearer picture
that life's good, and that that's, a grand, fact!

You cannot add up all, your worries
for to add up your fears is not right;

Church Organ

Blaring noises ring
Causing a fantastic dance.
For it's a great king.

The Suit

Once I saw a man in a suit knocked down by a car
He went rolling along the road,
one shoe went off another way.

He rolled into a sitting position,
he had a small package in his hand.
He raised it to his ear and shook it.
Then he said fuckit
and fell over and didn’t move any more.

So sue me,
I laughed.

behind my eyes

"Do we even like each other?"
Echo asked as she twirled
and twisted around my feet.
I was green when I faced the river.
I ripped to shreds dreams that never
came and I came undone.
But you come again and again to steal
my breath and devour my soul.

I listen carefully and exhume the sound.
Earth still clings to me. My bones lie


meet your fire on the first flick
taste that heat
first sure lick

crush heel sweet relished life
that trick twist knee
that shouts its bitter agony

jump into flame
this loves ignition
the thick dark fingers
beneath the skin
across the flesh
raised goosebump fresh

swallow words this
ghost ache
burning through
veneer of mirrors

wear your ears
and dance crippled
weary floors with
dirty feet


Some people aren’t materials for first class
When it comes to academic or group work
Manure rejects gold and accepts the grass
Some hate pigs yet delight in eating pork
Middle men coordinate within the ranks
Between those who have and the have not
Sweet rewards swell the vaults of banks
They tried hard but they just could not
Their names were called, like others
Amongst those who passed the test
Those who failed were also our brothers
Third rate, may be, but that was their best


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.