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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



there are shadows
written on the land
like bloodstained
like abandoned holy grounds
where sacred spirits dwell

where snow falls
the dead ash of ideals

there are stirring currents
brilliant like the hot want
of sunlight on a chilled day
and Moons swift in passage
through a month of pain

for all the lost
and all the found
the truths will

and all shall see


We love life
and as long as we love life
life loves us

and doing so
we love each other
and all peoples of this earth.

Hatred has no place
in a world of peace
as peace is all we need
to work towards
every day
every minute
all the time.

With peace
we can move mountains
and cause opposition to melt
in the heat of the sun
that shines
full of laughter
and tears of joy.


Round orbs of light swirl in the dark night sky
Which float above an endless world of hate
Their light absolves all fear of youthful death
The wars, they rage around our children's souls
Disease and hunger steal their life away
Here in this war torn world no one is safe
Children look to these strange orbs for comfort
They hope that when they die they will go there


Plan A...

Wounded, I can't speak of the knives
The ones that cut me so I bleed
Old scars have been re-opened
They fester with dirt swept under the rug

Poison arrows fly at me from ambush
and I bravely struggle on
Holding the shield to protect my heart
I cannot find Plan B


You couldn't possibly invent history,
no toe can get a foothold around an
idea whose time has come.

I tell you the honest truth, it wasn't Professor
Plum in the drawing room with the smoking
gun, it was DNA that committed the crime
and made the difference that originated
all children of a lessor God committing the
sin of skin.

Poe'sy Dilemma

The turmoil poets face,
To relieve all tension,
That mostly women create,
By their ill-choosing,
Since men only bask,
In the sun of glorified victory
They bake out of a hot oven

Then men move on remorseless,
To another similar,
Future likely haven...

Women alone recall life
Like crumpled autumn leaves,
Trampled by rapid winds of scorching time,
Lost in the dust of mental disintegration

Then in place of a smile,
They spend weeping all their while.


Tonight the northern star and I will speak
Together will see the power of fantasy
No alarm to wake me or lingering responsibilities

No fee to pay only the spark of friendship
No slithering monotony to have its way with me
I know it seems optimistic, in a cosmos so twisted

The sounds of grand pianos play until daybreak
Festive wine poured into every glass this night
That dream is not just vivid, it’s ready to be lived

Crudius - Dig A Well

Crudius woke up when a comet
rocked his chamber and his hall.
He found up on the open fields
carcases of an eon's worth
of life wiped out by fire.

He greedily gathered fruitful harvest
to his caverns underground.
There he lit himself a fire
and put them in the kettle room.

Crudius stirred till all became
as black as carbon, raw and sweet.
He left his experimental stew
to liquify and to purify,
to cover all the deepest pits
and to wait till new life begun.
Then Crudius went to sleep.

Once upon a time

When everyone wore a fedora
And smoked fifty dollar cigars
Ate in the finest of restaurants
Mixed with the brightest of stars

When life was a little bit gentler
With tennis and tea on the lawn
And everyone dressed up for dinner
Then went out to samba till dawn

When today was once tomorrow
When the future seemed so bright and clear
When life was packed full of adventure
How I wish that those days were still here

Letting Go

Linger until,all life has gone
the road that lies ahead
be it narrow,be it long

In vain I seek to find the truth
remorse and pain the only proof
my eyes will tell the tale
of how,I lived

Of what has been my past
although I need no comforting
an empty lie,the form is cast

What has been done,still scalds and burns
who knows, which way the path will turn
lesson given,lesson learned

The end it calls ,I will not hear
let go , of what you once held dear
release the hold
then rid the fear


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.