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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The Forgotten

At last, I stand now
On the edge of the world
With no friend and no kin

O life! You fiendish autumn
For you have shed from me
The green leaves of bliss
All the glamour and glitz
And cast me away into the desolate places

There, my eyes no longer saw
Upon the horizons, the beacons;
The rising glow of the waking days
And the glimmers of the waking twilights

A Sadhana of Mahalo

There is a vanishing point
between the horizon and jasmine sea
there are places we have to go
because we have a song to sing

you are here on this unwritten page
like poems we have yet to speak
like love that unmakes us
that splits the you and I
of us
into two
and again.

We drown in that distant light
deep with kisses and broken wings
that remember
the sound of our yielding.

Rejection and You Saw It Coming

another tear to shine my guitar
another stitch to rip out of a scar
another regret i regret that i had
but it's all that i ever had left

another knife to cut out my soul
my heart's beating backwards, i'm out of control
and don't say you're sorry, sweet sorrow is crushing
you can't hear her cry over red river rushing

do me a favor and let me forget
unplug your phone and get out of my head
i never knew anyone could be too close
but sometimes your memories are what i miss most

The Ana (Creation Story)

For Nothing is aught else but cold
and Nothing thrice is nothing more.
Chief requisite that aught is told
in epopee, archival lore
needst something wrought of nothing come to be.

Eternity does not begin.
Time renders never back its flow.
The Flame will have not origin.
Ablaze thru All and Aye, ergo
‘tis paradox the Will that would be Free.


The Land of Chuzzle Woo

In the far North West, where pink vultures nest,
Lies the land of Chuzzle Woo.
There the mountain range might appear quite strange,
For the highest is four foot two

I've heard hippos cry as they try to fly,
Flapping legs like Twitchy Sue,
But its best all round they stay on the ground -
Imagine droppings of hippo poo!



[inspired by the works of St. Exupéry and Sartre: VOL DE NUIT and LA PESTE]

And I wonder
why love dies
for some and lasts forever
for another one

And I think
where did all the friendships go
promises of unconditional “ever to be.”
why revenge and cruelty
when they end.

There are no true connections
no real loving or affection
for some…for many.
we whirl in Time in our own
sublime dreaming

Genie in a bottle

Your words of kindness
Eases burning desire
Caged in my bones
To end my life

Your love of goodness
Lifts me up
From ground in which I’ve fallen
Hard cold and damp
Your warmth covers me

Like a Genie in a bottle
I decanter your gift
Place on a mantel
Above my heart
Reach for on days like these


I see my dream in plain view
I only watch
We have our arms
We will not raise them
No one is dreaming any further
The light has stopped flickering beside me
It must mean the thoughts have ceased
No one will reach for the dream.

Reverend Director IV...

Now a moment of revelation
Killer knows from whence he came
No remorse for his actions
There is just the payback game

For all the hurts that innocents suffer
He will give twice and more
Just as he gave to this one
Crawling slowly toward the door

The rage he feels is building
Uncle Michael is right here
Kill him now; but slowly
For his brother dear

The pain explodes inside his head
No relief is there in sight
Tears roll down his cold and stony face
He'll kill Uncle Mike again tonight


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.