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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


lumbering silence in Bodnar's

Thick and grey, lumbering hulks
trumpet the silence....



From the darkness
that hid
her abomination
she slid
sniffed the air
and dropped her veil
seduced by the smell
of male

there they stood
mesmerized by the beauty
of her ugliness
in a trance
of desire and revulsion
as Medusa began
her dance
of seduction

serpent strides
back and forth
left to right
in orgasmic thrusts
of promises
that were to come
to each one
who looked upon
her serpent smile

Song of Anger

I have aged
For so long
In the cage
Of self rage

Life like hell
Anger eats me
Hard to tell
Friend from foe.

In my eyes
Rolling like dice
Any side faced
Life is woe
Head to toe

Anger without choice
Has made me
Mad at everything
Raged at anything
Calmed by nothing

Can’t help it
The growling anger
Worst of all
Angry at myself

I give you a black rose

All I have to say is that I love you
but its all in what I have to do
ever since we said goodbye
all I wanted to do is die
and get out of this big lie

Ever since we split
all I can do is grab a blade and slit
see all of my blood - dark red
and me lying on my bed
can you tell that im not breathing ?

You said I acted childish
you said all I wanted to do is play
but now you see me here as I just lay
just laying her with my vains split
all because without you I feel like some shit

Windy Day at the Lake (imagery workshop)

windy day at Cooper's lake
a wind storm takes shape
dark clouds spin tornadoes
across clear blue water

a picture on my cellphone
running for the basement door
my dress tail caught a draft
I parachuted safe inside

Your skin slight colored from cold
Every now and then a warm breeze blows a bright leaf
That lingered against a darkening sky a little too long
But either way you hardly notice;
The startling soft touch of rain is on your neck
And the sky is the churning mad sea above
The trees lay themselves bare and dance for you
They have nothing to lose, stripped of their green.
The storm you had not seen is approaching
Whipping up creek water in the dark blue valley.
The storm you never even thought of before.

An unexpected visitor

A well spoken Martian came calling last week
He popped in the house for a chat
Though I wasn’t displeased
When he coughed and he sneezed
I was miffed when he swallowed my cat
He said “ I am frightfully sorry,
It isn’t like me to do that
You must think me a hog,
For I much prefer dog,
Or a rodent, like rabbit or rat”

Walking On The Beach
The sand hot ,scratches and burns
Until I reach the cool compacted wet sand of the shoreline

The force of the waves dragging the sand from under foot
gives the strange sensation of movement
As the mush squishes between my toes

Shoreline littered with broken shells
bite at my feet
Bending to pick up a handful of seaweed only to find
it slippery and oozes past my grasp



After a great to-do beneath the surface of the ground
the loam cracked and shook, one minute green tip shot up
the thrust of a sword searching in circular movement for the sun,
that spinning ball of fire with leaping flames
that lights up our rotating earth in spasms rhythmical,
all matter in the woods is ever moving, turning,

Buddha's Muse

She walks
behind the Buddha
with her jeweled eye
focused on


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.