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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Connected With Nature

I very rarely get up at the breaking of dawn
a blanket of muddy clouds

an eyelash slither of light sliped pass
as the crescent moon cuts it's way through
with a wink

suddenly, in the neighbors yard next door
three startled deer stood in line
watching me
as I turned into my driveway

a quick dash and off
they ran for the thick woods
safe from the light of my headlights


we whip dead horses
frenzy dance
in damp clay t rance

the sparrow tree with
its death fingers stroking
a bitter blue
a greater hue

broken soul
fragments corner
like a wheel broken
like a wagon token

carrying beneath
the load of rain
forgotten pains


I’ve got two armfuls of love for you
I’ll bring ‘em over
To hang your broken mirrors back up
To hang your broken mirrors back up

I’ve got two armfuls of love for you
I’ll bring ‘em over
To kiss your lovely lips, again
To kiss your lovely lips, again

Darling, won’t you pull my strings?
Darling, won't you let me sing?
Your angel face has fallen,
I’ve fallen all for you, here
Your angel face has fallen,
I’ve fallen all for you, dear
Darling, your falling on me


lips too small and thin
nose too potatoed
ears prompting Spock jokes
eyes too beadily hazed
beard too patchy
hair uncut, sleepishly tossed
teeth way too small and bent
cheek bones too high
chin pointing at you, somehow
eyebrows too low knotted
hairline too scared and running
jowls looking to wrinkle sagged
belly too round, held in forever
feets too big
knees bowed wide and knobby
and a cock
that could play
left tackle for
the steelers

One time I’m in the mould and jamming with the worms.
Another locked in stir and nearer lunacy
than half a dozen men that I have ever been.
I think, therefore I stink when I again would drink.
So many faces grace the moods I shred as lace
and I cannot keep thought from jumbling in a knot.
Once long ago when strong I hung it on the moon.
The ethanol and madness fall and cause me crawl
from that white light the werewolf fights on brilliant nights.
So what is real and what is thought I’ll rot to know,


You know,
that space
that holds us
so close
not even a word can enter edgewise,
the scent of us yodelling with the edelweiss and lama
that ascent that climbs into wetlands we have
all but forgotten
stretches into an eternity that must linger until....

you remember, just like this
don't you feel it too, my darling?

Now breathe.

Listening with the soul

As if it were a whisper of salvation at the lip of the cliff
The summit of the waterfall
The roaring of the flame
A cup of gentle solitude passed silently across
The very heart of what you need
The words you longed to hear
The deepest gaze of exploration
The open hands of truth
The sweetness of dawn
Drinking in the rising sun
A fading tail-light
A baby’s weight within your tender arms
Like the last time I would see you

Imagery Workshop some by Nordic cloud

Image; Visual- what one sees.

Through the mirrored sky I plunge
my weight meets clouds that oscillate
now caused to dance
the sandy bottom of the sea
full rippled with reflections as I glance
before the world becomes opaque
weeds sway in hair-like waves
their colours melding blurred
I see small snails slowly move on rocks
anemones bright like flowers
what visions when the water's ours.

Image: Olfactory- what one smells

something real to touch

There is a world out there, they say
something real to touch
like a wild chestnut glimmering in
quiet autumn rain.
A rustling leaf, fleeting above
a sleeping summer meadow.
The child’s playful fingers
on the tree
in a happy wait between
the snow covered swing and the sun.

first the raw version then the revised one:

Scribbler's workshop:

Storm's Aftermath: auditory

the winds die down
to a whispering breeze
birds begin to chirp
and sing once again
squirrels chatter
back and forth
as children laugh
in tune with
the ice cream vendor's
cheerful chime
and the world sighs
with a contented relief
improved version:


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.