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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Tolerance and worthy intentions

My deep affection reaches for your heart sometimes
Like a birdsong from a willow
You have batted, distracted, at the delicate intention
Like a bothered youth at summer gnats
And yet there springs more sweet consideration
Tolerance, at least in time
And appreciation further to embed more bonded warmth and comfort
I would offer butterflies of tenderness and trust
Yet you would have less fragile ministrations
We may bestow less concentrated pleasantries at times
And yet in all my understanding, gathered over years


Letters play zigzag pattern in my head
Like this world in which we come to live in
Poetic talents gifted in diverse ways
Some to follow and others to lead on
As reflected in works of the Congress
On posted poems of teaming multitude
A unique stream dancing before our eyes
Where myriad promising writers grow up

African Untouched Glory

In Africa elephants roam freely
grazing open pastures of vegetation
Where white pillows cling to blue skies
Touching a green flush carpet of grassland

Native men dance for future brides
adorned in beautifully printed alfgans
to the tunes of their island women singing
Along the wide open dirt road never ending

One day I hope to vacation Africa's homeland
and enjoy the natural earth in it undeveloped form


A gross irony perpetuates
in the surrounding mists
that intrude like rays of night
on a season of blighted hope,
and sundering sense from morality

-Vain goes the fists against the foe
who is not without, nor far in distant hell.
worn is might and wind is turned to woe-

I suck at what I hope to bring to being,
and being is a curse from birth to death.
And even then, ridden with grave lack
that pitches intellect against a divine right;
like a candle sets the mists of night alight


Once upon a time...
I stood before my one true love
And spat in his face
That heart-breaking cliche
..."It's over between us"...
Yet in that moment, he loved me.

Many turns back when I packed up my bags
And moved out of that Mansion he gave me
Acting out in ways worse than words
"I met someone else"...
All through it, he loved me.

Archon dionsyia

mists fall
t he cry of birds
the silence of the city walls

even the great voice of
the sea is hesitant
and murmurs dreams

and a crown leans
as the world

It Darkened Daylight


What would I see if riding on a light-beam?

A bi-dimensional plane, or a geometric point?

I'd view the universe's wondrous mysteries agleam

and know the very blueprint of the Ancient One's own thought


Deliberation led to a great insight -

the formula that Albert Einstein shared

by linking energy and mass and light

-- now so well known - e equals m c squared




The powerful ignition darkened daylight

then morphed into a deep eternal scream

Shadow Dancing

One thing I've been admired for
is my ability to create

a partnership with my body,
and my shadow that's purely, great!

I jest not, as I document
for those who have not seen

for instance, like St. Patrick's Day
when my shadow shows up, green!

I've been known to mix it up, a bit
but when playing music at a "gig",

I'm forced to leave my shadow at home
because his "dancing" causes patrons to "wig"!

After the Storm

I won’t worry any more
Like I used to before
I won’t worry; I’ll just fall in the doorway…
‘Cause it’s alright; alright?

I won’t shake away
All those damned head aches
I won’t shake; I’ll just close my eyes and prey
‘Cause someone’s got my heart in a cage
And it’s alright; alright?

This one is calling my name
A simple, subtle love; was this all a game?
‘Cause I don’t have the time…. alright?

Creations From Home

Come and join me
Here in my home
Where i welcome you all
Where i still sit alone

Creating Creations of joy and folly
Creations of heart
And Seasonal holly

Come in and get comfy
In my North Country home
Where body and mind
co-mingle whats sewn

Creations of style
Creations of hope
Of paint and canvas
Of beads and hemp rope

From fine fancy dresses
To cute garden gnomes
From jewelry hand-made
and orchards fresh grown


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.