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The stream (all workshops)

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Rats said the Jess,
swatting at a passing allusion,
if things don’t improve
I’m going to cancel my subscription
to Nihilist Weekly.

Double rats said the Jess
as a skinhead materialised
out of a pile of dogshit and,
having left his sledgehammer at home,
was forced to soil his hands tearing him limb from limb.
If things don’t improve
I am going to have a great deal of difficulty
rationalising my already untenable position
with the adventurist left.

We will meet again ..What do you say?

at some corner of eternity
then as two petals of roses
in pages of books
we shall meet
to again fall apart
like autumn leaves
fly away towards
another trinity

that's why they say
time alone lives
we all perish

thank you friend,
for ripening my colloquial mind
excuse me for words mistakenly used,
it’s my creativity
my extempore muse...

I don’t visualize anyone,
but the hearts inner



Rosebud of desire
hotly centered
in spirited passion
awaking from her dream
still looming
stretching dainty limbs
silky laughter
on soft full lips
the warmth of her voice
fills him
with all the vibrations
echoing of
strains of silken laughter

Dreams and Nonsensible Things

To waste your time
To maybe just lie there for a while
Let your breath do the talking
Against my chest, deep and slow
My recurring dream every night
My only wish every morning
So surreal

To be perfect
To make the pieces fit
To make it all work out
To fix your skin
Make it all worthwhile
To be simple
I try so hard sometimes
At all the wrong times
To keep it in and shut it up
And lock it tight
When I know it’s all you want to see


Narcissus grown old

Time took away
the ecstasy
of my yesterdays.

In rippling waters
cold and gray
I called to a reflection
not of me
yet of no other.

I knew
I would not see this place


The message comes like a shaft of light
it sends itself out to the farthest reaches
of empty spaces
and calls itself inspiration--
with drums,
we beat it,
with eyes,
we feed it,

But then we kill the messenger.

Quite honestly, don't ya think? But
never question why the sky turns darker
some days than others.


29th March 2012.

The rise and fall of music, the rise and fall of wind,
the rise and fall of making love, the undulations 
of the hills that rise and fall where waterfalls spill,
the oscillations of the lake where ripples touch the sky 
and shake the starlight out in day, to glitter there 
beside the bay on sandy stretches filled with knobbly 
logs, swayed to shapes of soft smooth curves, 
carbuncle toadstools on the trees, like aunts 
and uncles rocking, rising falling on their walking sticks,  

Sick Kitty

You haven’t read this nightmare yet,
sometimes I drink just hoping to forget
I have known the pain that it can cause
to do it all again without even a pause…

It’s my self destructive neutron spiral
a dissection of a mad helix, gone viral
telling hell that I have warmed over again
but what’s the real difference in the end

Fuck it all! No one knows how I’ve tried
or that I was willing to lay down and die
tried killing myself with drink and smoke
It feels like I am surviving a really bad joke


Unimaginable dreams
carried by the wings of a creature
who's only song it sings
is gruesome in appearance
you should never fear it
for the posessor is incoherent

The feeble mind is not an abomination
just one of GOD'S creations
obvious seperation is man-made

Owl of The Night Collide With Life

An owl of the night I collide with life
Being good is miserable doing bad is damaging
Why am I so horrible?
In the eyes and minds of those around me

I try to get it right, but is always wrong
It's like eyes everywhere is disappointed in me
Peering through me for something I don't have
I want what you want, is that so hard to see

I need to be me, but me is not desirous
Like thorns traveling through the wind
My presence, my smiles simply cause distrust
Why am I so horrible?


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