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a curse
Loved has made all forget
what was poetry and verse
and the bestest critique we all know ,
will my cruci-fixation rehearse

ere that happens guys go back to your archaicity
leave my precious verse to and for me..

i must thank thee
if you want to see
the bard survive in me..

How long will this Winter Last

The paltry sun smiles across the frozen Plains,
as if to mock my shivering words,
“How long will this winter last”
The trees and shrubs that wooed the summer breeze
with blossoms ablaze,
are smitten under foot,
after boasting they would never die,
now lie still,
fallen emblems of a summer past,
there ghostly voices still echoing,
“How long will this winter last”
The robin feeds oblivious to the frost and cold,
looking only for his meal of worm,
pausing briefly for the wintry wind,

Moonlit reflections

Inside the pearly embrace of nature’s spotlight
Warmed and soothed by time
At peace at last I stand in moonlight
Emptied beautifully by the moment only
How the healing eased the ache
The searing, sucking legacy of that deceiver
I know now the gift that was his heartless disregard
To free me up for this deserving heart and potency
Where I once craved and suffered in such unfulfilled desire
I glance behind, mere memory that fades each season
And nestle free of tethered thrashing disappointed hope


I am loosing it
At the edge of sanity
Another step and damned
The aura of madness below
Menacingly stretching its murky lips

Fate; her claws wedged in my skin
Just like others I am a victim, blame her
Dragged spiteful through her coarse domain
Cursing while she chuckles. 'This is life.’ She says

I N T E R O . .N O I R E

breath the blood of night
staining dark mauve
veins velvet
punctured harsh
dark lust raining
drops to parch

song of lark
arrive the night
tis the sweet
trill for the
death of night


Hunger of My Heart

The hunger of my heart,
Is a warm and sweet dream,
Like strawberries and water,
Like peaches and cream,

The desire that fuels me,
The heated longing I keep,
Deep down inside of me,
Begging to be free,

Like thirst, like starvation,
This is how things are,
In the moist chambers,
The corridors of my heart,

The one thing I would cry for,
From another human being,
My darling is your love,
Like honey to me,

All Roads Would Lead to This

You’ve been dragging around my heart for years
And in my dirty, dirty mind, I should decide to let go
You’ve been hanging around in the chasm of my soul in fears
And in my light, some stories, I might decide to let you know

And what was it that you said? “All roads would lead to this”
Or something, so cerebral then, I wouldn’t notice

Tell me all the things that you’d never do
Come on, let me crush you up
Lovely, lovely, lovely

A Brief Passing

I saw you today
for only a brief moment as you drove by-
maybe on your way to work,
or to the grocery store,
or to the place you've begun to call home.
Anywhere but to be with me.

I saw you today
and it brought a flood of memories-
of long late night talks,
of walking to the bus stop
on chilly mornings,
of singing My Chemical Romance
at the top of our lungs.

Final Revision
Prose "The Burglar" by Nordic Cloud revised to Poetry (Prose to Poetry)

A man in old grey dehevelled clothing
Black hair, ruddy face stood by a fence
Walking deliberatly slow along the streets
Perusing a site to commit burglary
He kept rhythm with the fence pailing

A girl peering through net curtains
made a crack in the lace had begun
To observe him as he eyed the houses
Dropped the curtain she stepped back
from the window as she noticed him
Looking in her direction

Cancer party

There was 7 in the packet when we started
7 sticks of pure, cancerous victory

'better lock the door' she said

The old Sod was outside tending his garden
Putting those foul, spindly fingers
to a more appropriate use
Completely unaware of being
locked out of his own house

We sat in his lounge
Watched him from the window
Puffed on his cigarettes
and laughed
and coughed

It was a waste of good smoke
We didn't even inhale
and the taste made us queasy


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.