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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Cyber repentance

Cyber repentance
I am an errant document, I
ask u edit my life format my
soul.eject and recycle any
corrupt thought i file against
persons i consider my foes. No
longer do I need to
photoshop d image people
have of me.or download
inputs of d devil. Cos they
damage like worms eating the
motherboard of my soul.
Penetrating my stand like
trojans. like wifi i seek ur
presence. I upload my praise.
May I always connect2 ur

Culling the Herd

It started out with a simple thought,
I think.
Non-violent resistance.
It caught on fire and spread over every
land and enlightened the human
evolutionary mind.

Apes have opposable thumbs,
firmly within their grasp the branches
but precision is not an acquired skill
and the nature of nature follows certain
cyclical patterns.

The Pie Man.

The Pie Man.

In Dreams

Only In Dreams

I walked in dreams
Feet swallowed
Dust rising all around
Colours crowded
Beauty beyond
My scope impeded

Reeling senses
Silent words
Amazing space
Eyes extending
Drinking with sighs
Memory failed

Where am I??
Ridges of black
As walls confine me
A landscape flows
Rainbow's rise
As autumn leaves
A quiet symphony

WHEN PETALS BEGIN TO FALL [inspired by our Anni]

[inspired by our ANNI]

When a flower begins to fail
its colors bright
its beauty pale and still
lingers in the morning sun .
Petals fall one by one
as it languishes in Day’s light
until its Night has come


This blessed dew-filled morning
Butterflies stopped to watch my heart step-dancing

Deep breaths filled my eager lungs
As my mind flew up to higher ranks

It's cause you rose with the sun...
And you shone so hot and bright
I felt no need to go out and run

...Not till sunset came in sight

The day is ending, tell me what now?
When it's done, where do we go?
My sweat feels heavy on my brow
I find myself wanting to scream out; 'NO!'

C H O S E N . . . r e m a i n

rise up from the rubble
bend comrade this burden of our winter
our bellies grumble
our minds sweep away the sweet dreams of mother and father
Like the new green shoots of beauty
Our homeland we reclaim
Our torch still burning
strong with pride
Our Nation still one

a job for you and I
we work
the toil for our future
now Our elders
and our youths shall smile
when the sun of spring
shows us as we gather
mile after mile

Venus in violet and teal

Venus in violet and teal
With the freedom of windswept tresses
As if it were an intentional statement of style

Ageless, whimsical and spacially vibrant
Wise in a silent wit and comfort

The company of odd believers
Each common space becomes an ashram in her wake

She hums while perusing garments in a dingy op shop
Where discarded boons are strewn haphazardly
The odd triumphant treasure lies enticingly covert among scrap and fodder,
She squints into the drizzling winter afternoon
But she brings brightness and possibility

cycles of a teenage heart break </3

how can you do this to me?
isnt it bad enough you hurt me?
i forget you for a moment
........ im happy
but now i cant stop crying and im
whatever this is it sucks
i push and push you out of my mind
yet you find a way back in.
i tell you its ok and im fine
truth is im not im far from it.
i hate feeling this way
if i knew this would be so hard
i would have stayd alone.
if i knew id fall for you this hard
i would have left it alone
but i didnt....



Diagonal white stripes
pastelled hills,
may flowers danced for joy,
but that was yesterday.

Now northern winds stir flags
and blossom single, now has double blooms;
the birds sail past, no flap of wings
just glide on currents cold.

From northern hills comes winter,
sprightly as before, she knocks
so softly on our door,
she will come home again.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.