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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Self-loathing is Inevitable

Well it appears I'm in arrears
the economy's to blame,
the government is in cahoots
as they re-invent the game.

It's said, no man's an island
that it takes a village to raise a child,
then there's the next generation
sewing oats that are way more wild!

There's the finance institutions,
the banks, and wall street....too;
using smoke and mirrors, they do thier thing
to line the pockets of the few;

T A R..R O A D

"Page of swords"
the shiny deck
while outside the rain
fell down
dancing on the darkness
the light from above
just there
The shadows black and oiled
with the purpose of the day

even the birds were holed up
huddled in the wet
dark eye closed and sleeping
like the whole world was dreaming

inside the deck was my story
unfolding in reversal
like a slide show

The Mist

An evening mist brings forth
sadness within my bones
the light scars the being I
am light nor darkness
bringeth me a dove

The peace of a dove will
never quiet my home of pain
I live in the heart of the mist
I see nothing, I hear nothing, I
speak nothing

The cloud upon the ground
visits me with the utmost of
ambush I flee to no gain I sit
deep inside of the mist

It brings me much sorrow

Whispers from the Rain

I fell for my first girl
way back in the 5th grade,
she's long gone, without a glimpse back!
My passionate memories will never fade.

Been wondering how things could've gone
had youth not caused us to refrain;
if I listen past the echoes
I can see the whispers from the rain.


My father was my hero
the very bravest man I know,
he volunteered in spite of
the painful tests he'd undergo.



Come with me
my Spirit
my Soul
under night shadows
hold me
bring me
to another dreaming
soothe me
with words of salvation
heal my body
if just a day
lull my fears to sleep
dance me away

Awaken The Dead

The air I breathe is of the dead or dieing
words spew forth from swollen cracked lips
all that is heard through the spittle and hiss
are lies cleverly phrased

These acidulous tears are shed for no one
but a love lost
energy expelled in rage

Through eyes set ablaze
by Zeus's hand
I watch the demise of woman and man
sanctioned and doled out
by my own hand


A quiet stillness in the air
dawn of the longest summer day
it seems the night was far too short
cool dew will soon waft away

Like me, this day is slow to start
dread of too many hours heat
faced with far too little sleep
of listening to my own heart beat

The furnace clears the eastern trees
a stir of breeze teases tall grass
signaling full start of day
and time for lethargy to pass

theocracy in clouds
the threads of turmoil mumble mongst' mongrel crowds
and happy clown feasts
the banquet is bare

the bulb shows me light
and I pay heed to its piper note
reading paper punchlines
and interweb propaganda

ride along soothed by the sun
smoothed with the wind
rub elbows with my kin

and wonder
if the end comes
not with a bang
but the whimper

beads of life

Birth and life
are like the two faces of a coin
one obverse ...
the only thing that joins the two is ...
a very thin silken thread,
we call life ...and that's where you ...and
I come in
we live a lonesome one,
some come while many go,...
few also praise,
so many condemn
but that's all quite true….
now tell me friend
is life not a part of birth and death too?
anything born is the beginning of a sojourn
of the ultimate one,
staring at the distance,



There are many heavens,
you hold the key to one of mine,
do not lose it on your journey
through the brine.

you are my stone,
I kick you ahead to plumb the way,
the way to places we don't know of
far ahead,

the way on which we burnish
our sharp edges,
straighten bends,
enrich our lives before it ends.

Ann 5th March 2012.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.