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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Teach Me More (Mindful Memorable WS # 6)

you taught me to soar
without wings
to paint with words
 to sleep
 on the clouds
to hug and kiss the stars
 to sway
and bask the best of the day
even if it were dark
you taught me 
every little hearty bit

almost everything I want

but you never
told me
where- when you leave
to keep
my heart

The words have run their course

The words have overflown
And I look back to see dreams I cannot comprehend
For my mind has grown ill
And my own thoughts may have betrayed me

I am reluctant to express my emotion
In fear that they may consume me

I have been guided through strange roads already
With only my own words to blame

I have become afraid
That I have opened my mind too much

Hear me when I say
The mind is a place of your own making
Give it enough power and it shall think for itself

Grrrrrrrl for Mia Zapata

Grrrrl for Mia Zapata by RW

I float forward
no rules
love is the
razor code
that belongs to them

Though she is gone, I went to her
went to her
went to her
we are free
my ghost left me that day
it's more complicated now
buenos noches
buenos dias
she is here 29 now......she raids undefeated

in 17 hours, her blood, maroon

drips off the bottom step

Hello! Calling London!

London is a really beautiful city,
that I now can see
so many friends out there
are now calling out at me
so many of you
I’d like to meet
if you all choose
a common street

Johnny, yes our Johnny says
he wouldn't like to see me
but he still likes my poetry.

so many like Tanya,
the secret girl
still calls out to me
lhlhlh come over to UK
meaning London
did she?

S a l i v a t e ..

joyride me

oh come then pick my pockets
the jewel loot

pick those precious teeth
with fine bones

let your skill of vivisection
cut away
what you wish of me

an eye full of stars
bright as tears
the cold cup of light
bathing wounds

and in our souls
the sound
like rain upon the roof

the tender cold kiss
for a whole given
love as proof


You left and promised to return
We were hopeful you will come back
We cleaned and bathed in sweet oil
Sent out words for a warm welcome,

Kids consulted the oracle
Bribed gods with dance and open legs
They said it with all certainty
The reception was not to be

I heard the echoes of your voice
Then disagreed with them on facts
You’d given me assurances
Dearth of party proved me all wrong


Gentle rustle of late summer leaves
some of which begin to turn
brings solace to a heart that grieves
and peace whenever rages burn.

For I've found in my long life
most problems are wrought by men,
so when my world is filled with strife
I search out a secluded glen.

And far from the jostling crowd
beyond the news of hate and war
in woods where a crow's cry seems loud
I stay 'till I yearn men once more.

Six Stanzas of Separation

I'm not real sure of all the reasoning
or if a man can even be close,
to begin to even slightly understand
where men and women oppose.

We could be such stellar allies
although it would be unlikely, at best;
if someone else could be more suscinct
in defining then, by all means be my guest!

Firstly, there's how differently we think
all that left-brain/right-brain crap;
I'd have a more concise handle on things
if there was an Android downloadable app!

The Blackheart of New Orleans...

New Orleans at midnight
Fog rolling down the street
Grey wall cuts off his sight
The air is nothing sweet

A born killer’s dream come true
Blue jazz floats upon the air
Feeds his need for something new
He knows... that it’s out there

Killer’s instincts brought him here
To this place of magic
A land of supernatural fear
Ghosts of all the tragic

In the back of Shadow Lane
A blackest heart does live
The man is quite insane
Takes his pleasure, never gives




I have never been
mean or cruel
and always lived
the Golden Rule
but I know my sins
at least most of them
and a deeper part of me
suffers in the knowing


My words are sharp
blood on steel
to save honor and dignity
in a hell others inflict
on me


faith has forsaken me
reason has betrayed
and I am lost
somewhere between.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.