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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Did I Not Try Hard Enough?

When it rains, it pours,
Here in the land of honey streets.

In the begining, ours was a house of chocolate walls.
The tap sprang sweet wine to go with our dinner
Of delicate delight.
We were young then,
and you know what they say,
When it rains, it pours.

ÇAÇÔ, Man of the Morning Star P. 2, Canto One

Canto One

Upon the fringe of raw domain,
the suns rise as an Angel Host
ascends beyond the level plane.
Their advent from the nethermost
illuminates the flat and vacant World. 5

A multitude, they are the mind
of Joss and thence the all they shape
was hitherto but Joss defined.
In concert thus, this virgin scape
could nothing be but His caprice unfurled. 10

what the heck!

you must remain an entity,
oh what a pity
even God needs an identity,
If only we could mastermind our arrival
what time and day
would you or any one chose
may I ask of you?

We all ply about in veiled masks
in search of ...
rest I will compose
when other poets
do in me their faith impose,
let them feel the burdens of life
till will still,
remain one long strife

Are We Crackers

Are We Crackers

Is our earth really in trouble or just
cracked up the middle, people starve
in Rome now without so much as a
squealing fiddle,
We invented money but can’t
spend what we got, had an honest
singer once but he went and got shot.

We never chase the rich for the
money that they owe, seems they
always have lawyers now, to look
after their dough.

His Story of a Fish Tale

Alone, I found myself with kids all grown
so I guess fate had given the nod,
there was nothing at all hindering me
so I decided to sail abroad.

I'd always yearned to see Europe
it appeared I'd been granted my wish,
so I traveled through England and Scotland, too
where I was also allowed to go fish!

When I returned I met with my daughter
for some ale, and a three foot-long sub;
I wanted to share of my journey
so we went to our favorite "pub".

S l a v a c i o u s ..

pole stare
gather at the fire

I am mercurial in regards
of the mirages

slurry juice sluice

splashs out
the gashs
open mouth

the hunger shoes
fall one by one
the fingers grip

the long brunette

rush on


I color my memories
and bring sunlight in
for everyone to see
where there was none
entirely true
for me

Time sanctifies the years
Tears wash away the sins
A well-placed halo
will make the dark seem
less dim

Sunshine (Mindful Memorable Freeform: The Challenge)(:-)

The sun came out at night, it was a reflection
The moon came out in the daytime it was real
The stars are there day and night I see only half.
Take these things in, and know what you see.


light flickers and glows
fickle and fancy in manner
illuminating illusion,
and the almighty hallucination
playing hocus pocus
with the mind's eye,
teasing truth to tears

I've seen love in pink charade
death as escapade
monsters grining from under the bed
jaunty parades of the lingering dead

forever the cosmic clown,
wildly firing jolts and bolts,
knows no bounds of brilliance
or terror


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