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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Laced Destinies

Each choice is not one
no fault remains undone
parting branches of each path taken
are really just this one now
diverging endlessly to a fine lace of possibilties
wrongness is right, elsewhen
nothing can be wrong, or then

but to skip across the streams of time,
to the ones I want

In this way is time truly undone,
destiny dismayed,
its hold diswayed.

He Dares Her

Holding close against her cheek.
he tempts, taunts, teases, tries, her fickle nature.
He dares her catch him at his flirting glance,
capture him within the fullness of her smile,
contain him motionless within her grasp.
She lets herself be used but never tamed.
So back and forth for hours play he and she their game,
the sailor and his mistress wind.

Before it is too late...(Mindful Memorable Free Form WS)

I always wanted
the hands of the cuckoo clock
to catch time;
to stop it,
or at least to slow it down
so as not to run
not to race with the lub dub beats
Of my heart
before it is too late
before death alarms aloud

"A Journey" " memorable workshop " (Second piece)

A Journey

Steam shrank, pistons moved
Iron horse bucked and fled
Yet held by the sheer weight
Track bent curved and sped away

Clikety clack, was heard
Parallel lines gobbled up
Red eyes scattered on stone.
Underway, with a gentle sway.

I am smiling sat in comfort
Lulled by the sounds
Thoughts of destination
Love to be mingled with

"It's Cold"

I tried to hold it
Cold as winter snow
Slipped through my hands
Dropped on the floor

Assonance (Positive Critique WS) #2

Soon shall croon the cuckoo,
and buzz the early bees,
to promise a pristine day,
Hey lazy! Wake up!

Dirfiting Far Away

lost in the heart of a crowded city

....everyone has places to go to...

           destinations they hope to reach soon...

trap themselves inside the four-walled monster...

....streets with so many road arrows...

....................pointing everywhere....

but they sure find their way...

their eyes so full of life....

                                    but she doesn't know the name of the street

she is going many confusing...

but how do people know where to go?


We tried a new experiment
five trillion dollars in the past
by putting radicals in charge
giving them their chance at last

The amateur in the white house
who's never even held a job
but can give a pretty speech
about the rich he yearns to rob
has no grasp on reality
he's just a governmental leach

Then Harry,Harry quite contrary ................ * Senate majority leader Harry Reid
who hasn't got a clue
advanced way past his ability
has not one idea what to do

H u b r i s

mottled shadow
dance the shape
the driven moth

a plate of light
filled with a yearn
this sight

lies upon the cloak
alive in teeming

while the voices
swiftly turn
their mouths alive
with words to burn

the dark torch sharks

A velocity of beauty
damped in dream
with its ferocity
rides the dark driven

and its name
is pride

A Heartache From Within

Trapped within this adversary,
memorizing each agony,
of an era filled with pain,
with nothing to gain...

Seeing each other’s sorrow,
from a moment that's borrowed,
stolen by an entity,
leaving our souls empty...

Why do we let ourselves fall,
into the hands of those who control?
Our cry for democracy lost,
where we fought for freedom the most.

Ex Nihilo-- edit


Out of nowhere I “became”
One of many
Many in one.
I am my name
the quintessential identity
In human history
matrix of a million years
and more.
The world lives in my seed
I am DNA
Atoms crashing into being.
I follow two
Then four
Ad infinitum.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.