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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Feeling Frisky

I'm feeling frisky
Can we be a bit risky?
find some little alcove
and share our love
I've never been so brave
but you, right now, I crave
Is that a sound of condemnation?
No, cos here you are at my work station
You say "I need you to do some filing"
I outwardly moan but can't stop smiling
never has it felt so right
can't wait for more afternoon delight



The sun burns steel cold
sharp and cutting
reaching the depths of me.
I don’t hear birds singing
and the noise
of all living things
sends shock waves
into my brain.

Did you know how much
I loved you
did you know how much
you meant to me
what do I do now
where do I go from here

Streets of War

I grow saddened,
our streets
have begun
to flow
with blood

our offspring
run wild,
animals they
prowl the streets
prey on the weak

king hits
and glassings,
blood forks
and the rivers
run ever deeper

trying to stem
the flow of death,

our children
are dying
our streets
show signs
of war

and still, we sit
and do nothing

Athiest fey

Poetry is death to me
When the world is gray
I can not see
Anything but fey.

Fey is knowing death
Powerless to change
A final grief or breath

It may change with time
this lonely path of mine
Shows me only pain
but I can't deny my brain


the storm outside wages
and the sins cast raise the
the cat stirs
its yellow amber gaze

the mists through the shire
the sea roams against the caves
that groan
and dreams shake away
behind the Mica windows
the peat fire blaze
its sweet comfort
the tea pail simmering

Hawthorn and Root

the winged spirit climbs
bitter fruit
the wizened hearts
of unbelievers

the bear walkers
who despoil the truths
of rune stones


Headlights on the highway
grit in tired eyes
on the road since Friday
way more lows than high
keeping it between the lines

Trading miles for money
exchanging life for time
endless days are never sunny
as I wipe off the grime
keeping it between the lines

Mirrors reflecting glaring light
while ol' Hank and Waylon play
alone another four lane night
tailgaters just won't go away
keeping it between the lines

Scent of Meat

The raw dripping pool
creeping across the mouth

drip drip dribble dribble

No sanguine snack this-
more a Homo-blackpudding
bursting bloody bastes

The luminous ring dances
lunar lines across the
Green Man's playground
hiding wet magenta ribbons

drop! drop! splatter splash!

And the scent is wafting
And the hirsute pursuer
pines for the
metallic tang

And he finds a lone lovely
languishing in the green baize

The Lullaby Tree

Shook me a branch on the Lullaby Tree
sweet melodic air wafted by me slowly
my eyes started to close unwittingly
soft mystery of the Lullaby Tree

Hypnotised by the whisper of the Lullaby Tree
magical dreamland drifted into me
flying on clouds of heavenly reverie
the wistful sound of the Lullaby Tree

Wanted to stay forever under the Lullaby Tree
peace and serenity enveloping me
but breeze brought me back to reality
precious time spent under the Lullaby Tree

Valerie's spider

She dyed her hair
black as her Mother's lungs,
hoping to attract the beast
to someone deserving.

She went out to the porch,
the smoking lounge
kicked herself for lighting up
and noticed the grasshopper's struggle.

Insane Normality

Don't fit me in your form
For i'm far from the norm
Don't try to contain
All that's in my brain
This normality,
makes us insane
In a mad world,
only the mad are sane


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.