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A Great Lady

To touch without shame,
To talk without fear,
To listen and be heard,
Is something I hold near.

A love we know will end,
Makes it a special love indeed,
A friend, a companion,
I am sure we all need.

For my accomplished accomplice

Smile stay be with me always
sexy lady eternal flame light of my life
wonderful haunting aching crying raging at imagined deceit
coming up for air with a smile and your golden eyes

You touched a place no one reached before
nights days all your crazy ways
wise alive carefree smile
companion friend don’t let this ever end

We’ve got so far to go
farther still when we get there
but I wouldn’t want to get there
with anyone but you

When All Eyes Can See

Of birds unsung, of unripened trees,
Of little drops, crystal tears striving to form,
Of something small, wriggling bees,
All is known a thing , something it becomes after the form

And we soar to sour, when life takes turn,
And a minute last, an ever best,
And as rough gold through furnace, O, what fine return
Another in down so cast, another in zest.

She Loves

She is so complicated:
Tying the Gordian knot
Suiting the charlatan trot

Closing the door, and even more,
Tying the hand, changing the stand,
Reading the future of her man.

But she loves
And gives the best thereof.

So beautifully simple is she.


Time is a haunting spirit
It petrifies me to my core
Despite my efforts, I can't draw near to you
Held back by fear's grasp
Yet if I remain motionless
I'll never offer comfort
Or listen to you for hours
Divvy my counsel
Bring you joy
Wipe your tears
Surrender myself wholly
Why, then, does dread immobilize me
From drawing near to a rose
That blooms devoid of thorn's

The High Seas

whitecaps kiss the stern as he swoops, to the herring's reluctant surrender

The whitebait mass to an unlikely ruse, a "Grey Nurse " circles , becomes their defender

As this beauty unfolds to nature's final display , 'neath the waves of a piscatorial splendour

Then in fair weather or storm as this swell creates new form ,

The infinite sea shall ne'er give up of her treasures .

It's May

It's May

Marigolds pop up
to swing and sway and

they may,
oh how I wish,
that they'd pop up

next May?

The Journey Unknown

I stand with the woodland in front of me

There are paths to my left and right
Both with known destinations...
"A fork in the road" if you will.

Pondering my options
Deciding my fate
Knowing that neither path leads to where I want to be.
I have a choice to make.
I can't stand here forever.

I decide to go forward
Through the trees

A path that has yet to be traveled by others
A trail unformed

The trees whisper in the wind
I nearly stumble on their roots

With a title deeply rooted
in subject matter iterated above
invariably makes for hair raising poem,
though I immediately attest said material
constitutes atypical topic
the writing process (with intent
to share bizarre pet peeve)
mildly cathartic to ameliorate
long established body dysmorphia,
(which lifelong aversion


Sometimes I long
for your presence,
though it's just a fleeting shadow
nearly nonexistent
But when its there
it hurts deeply
It's so engraved in my being
that having you nearby
becomes unbearable.
My breath becomes shallow
my heart beats faster
I feel overwhelmed
by a dislike for the impact you have on me.
I hate how you cause me
to completely lose myself
all while remaining unaware.
I resent my inability to forget you,
and most of all,
I despise that I love you.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.