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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Omnipresent lurch toward authoritarianism...

The views and opinions herewith extemporized to spur discourse with me, or to be mindful when exercising the right to vote in the country of your existence, which expressed intimation predicated upon read reliable publications such as Mother Jones, Smithsonian Magazine, The Nation, The Week, and TIME Magazine, which trustworthy and reputable sources of information brought to the fore of me noggin an alarming concern for those who consider themselves liberal Democrats, Libertarians and even moderate Republicans aware of avast conglomeration of bullies hell bent on usurping power upon self a

A New Day (Rewrite of Scribbler's)

It's almost dawn, I open the door
and let the air rush in
Fresh and cool, I don't need more
the sun soon rises; an extra win.

A few steps onto the old wooden deck
and squirrels start to bark at me
I shrug my shoulders and my neck
in the shadow of the giant oak tree.

A deer appears from somewhere afar
then stops and strangely stares at me
I thought that is quite bizarre;
it turns and walks carelessly.


Goodbye to the dreams
That gently faded
To the love letters never sent
To the silent words
Left unspoken
To the smiles that weren't meant for me
To the hope
That lingered too long
To the ache of waiting in vain
To the silent tears in the night
To the fantasies that were never shared
To the moment's that slipped away
To the poetry written in tears
To the unvoiced confessions
To the love that was never mine
To the chapter that never began
To the story that remained unwritten

Black like

In the vast expanse of night, there exists a hue,
Looming shadows dance, draped in ebony truth,
Abyssal whispers echo in the silent void,
Cascading depths of darkness, forever employed,
Kaleidoscope of mysteries, unfurled.

Beneath the cloak of stars, a shroud of black,
Lurking in the shadows, secrets never lack,
Azure depths of sorrow sing a timeless song,
Crystalline tears fall, where dreams belong,
Kaleidoscope of emotions woven tight.

Remember Atlantis!

Remember Atlantis,
taken up to the sky!
Enoch raised a city
that was lifted on high.
Rivers and mountains
He moved out of their course.
Giants and despots,
removed them by force!
Out of the country
He appeared with a book.
With the power therein
the whole world shook.
The book of Adam
which He never forsook.
Preaching repentance
that the whole world might see,
the pathway to heaven
in an infinite degree.
A people established
only one of a kind
their mantra to be


""but oh lord, when he died I thought that maybe I could have saved him if I just reached out that quarter of an inch between us on that bed and held him." that quarter of an inch in this vision is the great expanse of fear and ignorance that must be crossed bravely and with integrity, to human hope"
-Andrea Dworkin on Baldwin

Still stunned with disbelief...

that our apartment unit B44
received thumbs up
meaning that we passed
the grueling, and harrowing yearly inspection
three days ago - May 28th, 2024.

Drifting boat

In the whispers of the water,
a lullaby so sweet,
the boat drifts ever onward,
in a melody complete.

A beauty no storm can shatter,
no tempest mar its grace,
it glides upon the surface,
gracefully floating in a serene galaxy.

Within this glassy kingdom,
where time is but a dream,
the boat sails on forever,
in a never-ending stream.

So let us be like sailors,
upon life's vast expanse,
finding peace and solace,
in the silence of this dance.


somehow you’re everywhere
you’re in the street lights
that bring life to the dark
you’re in the leaves of a sycamore
in an evergreen kind of way
the birds look to you for help
in singing the sweetest songs
at night the Aurora searches
for it’s lost colour in your eyes
i longed for that light, now I’ve found it
and somehow
its more beautiful than I could’ve imagined

Garden of Eden

How was Eve to know that the serpent was untrustworthy? She who had only known love and faithfulness, who had lived by trusting Adam?

And how was I to know that you were trustworthy? I who had known only deceit and betrayal, who lived trusting no one but myself?

Serpent and you, Eve and me. Perhaps I am the serpent in your story, preying on your naïveté. Or perhaps you are molding me into Eve, a girl who can trust without limits.

Your love for me is the apple for Eve. The one thing I’ll risk myself for.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.