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This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


.On Critical Moments

My cell phone battery is low;
It's almost dying.
Every minute counts.
Wise decisions must be made:
Who to call?
What to do?
All is critical.

With seconds ticking away,
I decide to read Neopoet.

Rare Morning

The sun was in its benefactive climb,
as was the moonscape of my dreaming.

And though I was not conscious
of the real world of the sun,
I was of all worlds.

Through the patterned
window of the universe
the sun came to my pane
and said, "arise,
I bring a beautiful day."

I came to breakfast
and found in my house momentary solitude,
and of this did I nourish the morning.


Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

What if every ounce of pain
Rose out of my body
And dispersed into the atmosphere
Where it wouldn’t be too much
For one being to hold

What if I find the balance
Of gentle compassion
And requisite accountability
So that I count too
At least as much as he does

What if I hold it in the forefront of my mind
That my mom and dad
Were so young
And took on so much
And built everything we had
With their own hands

The First Poem of my First Book: Brushstrokes

The artist tells a story
with every peak of impasto

Conveys an emotion
with every brushstroke

Long and smooth,
An exhale
Short and fierce
A shout

And poets,
with every word they write,
paint a picture in the reader’s mind,
Unmask their feelings in every line…

So, take a breath at every stanza
Exhale every punctuation
And keep your mind wide open

These are the brushstrokes of my mind.

Five or One Hundred Percent.

I'm running on five percent,
A frame that is worn and bent,
Should I expect less?
Eighty years of excess.
A price worth paying for the bodies rent.

My brain says 100 percent,
It screams at me every day,
I do crosswords, read books,
Write poems and cook,
But my brain ain't my body, OK?

So my mind may be running just fine,
But my body lives under a cloud;
Muscles, they ache,
Joints scroop as I take
Hunched steps with my daddy's old cane.

Can I breathe?

I'm in a constant state of anxiety
I'm scared to even inhale sometimes
I worry,
I'll do something wrong

I feel like,
My entire life,
Is just a constant state of apology.

I'm sorry I breathe.
I'm sorry I'm here.

I didn't ask to be alive


The summer sun had set, the stars filled up the sky.

They sat out on the front porch, he asked the reasons why.

“I think it’s best” was her reply, “There’s nothing more to say.”

“We’ve talked about this all day long, there’s just no other way...”

Egos bruised and feelings hurt when everything goes wrong,

The good times seemed so very short, the bad times too damn long...

With that he walked away, to where he didn’t know,

But tomorrow he will pack a bag, get on a bus and go...

Psalm of Faith

Don't turn your tail and run my friend
the battle is all but won
The powers of darkness which now prevail
soon will come undone
The time has come to witness
the things we've heard and seen
With God and angels at our side
we can conquer anything.
Then stand with strength and honor
and heartily lift a strain
A song to Him who gave us life
yes to the King of kings!.


Since the very day I was born
My dependence began

My mother and father taught me
How to crawl and walk
To read and write
To respect adults
And to believe in prayer

My brothers and sisters taught me
Ways to interact as a family
How to deal with pain, with love
They succeeded in developing a unit
That would provide caring, safety and hope

My teachers taught me
How to read
And write more effectively
How to interact with other students
How to achieve my goals

Michael Joseph Jackson

Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) was an American singer, songwriter, dancer, and philanthropist. Dubbed the "King of Pop", he is regarded as one of the most significant cultural figures of the 20th century.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.