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Auburn Nights

Daisy wheel smiling lady Camel, flickered her brows armed cross blade double sheik Arabia cool waiting for the proud King Pharaoh visor silk studying Pyramid Cheops “lady cool now” she cooed calmly twining her ears as I moved near negligee cool “exiling;” dark eyes swirling viewing open Lions rare nine feet tall. The open tomb esophagus cobra and lion cold gold warm opened as I entered with my attaché coal eyes amused “the entry is King” and the vortex of Pyramid entered column blocks rich amber iron locked within

I pray that god will like my world

It’s you if you would see yourself,

    on the days when the sun sets early


Its you if love was easier to eat

    and food, to pass


I’d say it's you if I had the words

    or could transcribe the notes


If you could click your heels

    to sow your wild oats


Its you if you prayed to god

    trusting he will like your world


Night Owl

The roads go one way, like closed questions, I just moved from London, if I drop you here is that ok, I'm weary enough to dismiss directions, no fear in scarcity, too full cut to be afraid.

Nocturnal, not how it should be. No talons, or visions, or sound rebounding against my
tantrums, no keyring on the spare key i keep losing, just like the first one, just the same.

You wouldn’t hold me, how embarrassing for me, of course you were right, still I was painfully
lonely, and so fucking tired.

My Secret "Something"
24 out of 20 to 24 lines

I've had my days
of uplifting honor
and the unspoken
joys coming with it,
my heart and soul
did learn to sing
blessed thoughts
and songs be writ.

but... in my ever so
hopeful heart
there lies this thing
I'm wishing for
a most desirous
secret all my own
perhaps I have not
opened the right door.

Walking Beside You

I was low when I met you
Crawled out of the sea
I was reaching my hand out
When you rescued me

It seemed like rock bottom
Was left on the shore
But life has a way
Of handing us more

So we walked on the piedmonts
To reach coastal peaks
To find our way over
We made a few tweaks

On to the desert
Waiting beyond
Scant are oases
We thirst all along

Quite desiccated
We’ve canyons to cross
Descent and ascension
This dangerous trough

The Octopus

The octopus. How miraculous.
Three hearts and suckers galore.
It sidles, silent and slimy;
it knows how to open your door.

I'd like to be that fabulous,
seduction would be a breeze.
One tenticle round her waist
while the rest can do as they please.

There's a downside to being tremulous,
changing colour to banish all fears.
During sex the male may be strangled
and both only live for two years!

Octopuses or octopi? Grill or stir-fry?
Scrumptous pickled, friendly when tickled.

The Zoo

The Zoo
Zoo Lovers Day April 8

How I love the zoo!
Elephants, llamas and kangaroos.
Once I visit,
I can't leave too soon.
Until I see the tigers, lions,
And baboons.
Cotton candy, popcorn and pop,
With those things I fill my belly up.
When it's time for me to go,
I have souvenirs in tow.

The Zoo

The Zoo
Zoo Lovers Day April 8

How I love the zoo!
Elephants, llamas and kangaroos.
Once I visit,
I can't leave too soon.
Until I see the tigers, lions,
And baboons.
Cotton candy, popcorn and pop,
With those things I fill my belly up.
When it's time for me to go,
I have souvenirs in tow.

The Maid's Swain

The Maid's Swain
An Archaic Poem

Verily, verily came courting
The maid’s swain,
For to beseech her to abstain.
He knew belike
That she was his bride.
And they would consummate
Their love anon.
Betwixt, a suitor came.
Thought the lady was fain
To marry the former gent.
She was wonted
With her life.
And both of them
She did despise.


without any sensations
Oh man
what would be that kiss,
lifeless loveless,

two shadows
like ghosts in the darkness will meet
you say 'twill be a real kiss
yet doesn't match my wet lips,

let me tell you
I love to kiss...
any miss
any sis
my kiss perhaps some day
you may want ...


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