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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



I know that I'm good enough for me today
I know the mistakes I made yesterday are lessons
I know some lessons take repeating the same mistakes
I know that I have little control
I know the control I do have lives in my thinking
I know I'm worthy of love because I love myself
I know self love is the root of my happiness
I know my happiness attracts meaningful relationships
I know these relationships perpetuate the habit of self love

a word


If you could write a word, would you?


Is it enough to write a word,

        for him, if not you?


If you could write a word, 

The window of the past

The past is like a
stained glass window.
The moment
stands still within
its weakly
wooden pane .
But its beauty
still carries
on through the
thriving thickets of light.
As it
brightly blooms
out a blissful
bluebird sky
swirling within
the intricate
eye of intimacy .

The window of the past

The past is like a
stained glass window.
The moment
stands still within
its weakly
wooden pane .
But its beauty
still carries
on through the
thriving thickets of light.
As it
brightly blooms
out a blissful
bluebird sky
swirling within
the intricate
eye of intimacy .

My Friend's Pain

“Iʼll be alright” she spoke to me
Was that to mean
As time goes by?
After the event?
After all events?
After all the event had went.
But “Whens” are dead
As Time has stopped its clock
And no second hand will measureʼ whysʼ
So long I listen
So dumb and dumber I become,
And syncopated intermittent
Sear my novice heart
We walk In post apocalyptic grief,
We trudge the thicker darker path
Towards the stronger straighter run unto the finish line?

Keep My Faith In God

Ever since I met you
I could escape solitude
I miss your heart
My quest to reach you from afar
with my chest ablaze
I can handle saying your name
regardless of what they say
I see the sun brighter everyday
I put my soul into prayer
A connection with you later
As I held my breath
Nothing better than to rest


There is anger toward women
In our Country.
Men want us to look like
The playboy bunny.

You can see it in our current
No matter how you view it,
It's discrimination.

Men are women's biggest
Women feel safe if he is

The consequences could
Be deadly.
All because she wasn't

It is taught in schools,
They call it education.
What is really going on,
Is indoctrination.


We are not hate
We cannot be hate
We cannot breathe in its
Foul spittle from others
We cannot spout out its prejudice
And its destruction toward others

We are love
We must be love
We must permeate in its grace
We must pour forth its tolerance
And the beautiful acceptance of each other

How can we share one life together
When we continually find reason to hate

We must share this life together
To survive, to continually cultivate love

Caffeine Scene


Today I found myself out of kilter
I needed my morning cup of Joe
Woke up but had no coffee filter
Just the instant stuff, yeah I know

Some kitchen roll just might do
Folded so it forms a paper cone
Maybe good enough for a brew
It’s just for me so I won’t moan

I find the tub is nearly empty now
Maybe last time I was half asleep
I can manage this, as I know how
The learning curve ain’t that steep

Reading between the lines

Reading Between the Lines


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.