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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


My sleep being deep and brief
Waking to the new moon sky
Out under the stars I step
Time suspended in my eye

A shining perfect orchestration
Singing down from up above
Performing double brightly
Songs of universal love

These questions with half answers
Become a lavender sunrise
The stars have reached crescendo
They’re saying their goodbyes

They leave, and leave me thankful
On this and every single day
Grateful is a habit now
Love will always find a way

Conversing with Sin

Conversing with Sin

Who are you? I’m Adam, I make bad things happen

Why is that? Cos I’m one of two people, I’m the breeder of shame

What is shame? It’s a seed that is planted like a tree

Does it grow? Yes, quickly; be careful or fall low

Who am I? I’m a snake, my name is Eve and I deceive

Do you steal? Yes apples, from this tree next to me

What’s the tree? It’s knowledge, but give me some relief

Why is that? Cos I’m guilty, I make other people lean

Lean on what? On God, and this man is very mean

Uncertain certainties

I don't live in the past
Yet it resides in me
With every tear that falls
From each triggered memory
If there's to be a future
Then you must understand
That I'll need reassurance
And an honest loving hand
I'll need for you to want me
Not just say you do
Don't just say you love me
I'll need to feel it too.
I can't deal with anger
The shouting makes me weak
I tremble and shut down
And I find it hard to speak
I'll get jealous and frustrated


I feel a feeling most akin
Strange shievers sin
A baby skin
Withers within

I feel a feeling dangerous
To keep you here
My dear, my dear
I haven’t fear

I have a feeling, my feeling
Pushes my womb
In the backroom
Expectant cries

I have a feeling, a feeling
That unborn babies-
Are missed babies-
Last and most least

WOW MY Lovely Wautumn

Bright as the red autumn leaves
they spring joy in all hearts
love and care
every minute
every where

my sweet sounds of happiness
they brighten my sadder days
bring energy to my life
days and every place
with them I'm happy
it is my inner feelings
Ah! a grandest space

It will be very cold
white winter all say
shall wait for warmth of spring
when on the first spring day
flowers bloom
birds shall sing songs
bring back my red autumn
with in yellow spring.


Why does the world work the way it does?
I really can’t answer that.
But, I’ve thought about it quite a bit.
As I’ve sipped my coffee and sat.

Is there a rule in physics?
A cause for every act.
Or, is it really chaos,
Every event has an impact?

Can a butterfly flap its wings
and cause disaster around the earth?
Are there laws of behavior so closely connected
they dictate every action beginning at birth?

Early Morning in Yosemite

Experimenting, we placed the moon
on various branches of the pines
while the morning was still very new

We considered the jealous stars above,
those not ready to depart the dawn
Amidst the chill of the Autumn air
they were invited to join us here
in our temple among the trees

Memory of You

what an autumn sky
touched with angel's breath
softer than the snow hiding
'round the next full moon -
endless blue as in your eyes

I hold you heaven bound
beyond the last spent star
there in your hollow home
I am of the deepest dark -
whispering your name

and if I chase my dream
keep your kiss alive on my lips
taste our memories as piquant
autumn allures the willing trees -
I feel your heart

i wish

I wish I could fly, to see the world how it truly is, to see it not from a distance but for it
To be able to touch the sky, reach my goals; my fantasies as they fly high
It goes without saying, the clouds being beyond reach presumes a light
A light in which I seek, a light in which I couldn’t dare to reach
From beyond the meadows or valleys, and beyond the silver screen
I’m starting to think people don’t see the real me


The hustle and the bustle
Clamor of the line
All awaiting patiently
For beverage so divine

They’ll take your order quickly
Behind a gracious smile
Both the staff and furniture
Functioning with style

Write your name down on the cup
Cream or hot or iced?
Occasionally a little note
To make it extra nice

All of this is done of course
With spring in every hop
Delivering the perfect cup
Our favorite coffee shop


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.