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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Coffee Shop

Cold, I pull my coat to me,
near the place where we started
A shelter for my thoughts
I pass almost daily

Your cure for a hardness of the heart,
still the compass of my affection,
became lyrics I couldn’t improve upon


I told her I would like her
if only she'd wear lycra,
or play the balalaika
whilst I photo'd with my Leica.

I said I had a soft spot
for her sexy rounded hot bot
and the harder it would get
if only she would let me
serenade her on her balcony
with my contrabassoon.

I informed her of my desire
to kiss her when required
until my desire expired
but that wouldn’t be
before her lyrical body
sang like a holy choir.

A Walk at Twilight.

Come walk with me my lady
Through lanes on autumns eve.
The sky, no light to taint it
A spell on us will weave.

Walk slow with me my lady,
No words we need to say,
The night will do the talking
As its magic does hold sway.

We’ll hear the night birds calling,
Sense bats that flutter round
Hear Reynard bark at distance
By his den beneath the ground.

Stand still, hold still and listen,
You hear that Nightbird call?,
A Raven silent, wings to roost;
You hear the cattle bawl?.

In Search of Her Still

In Search of Her

I walk daily sloppily
walking down my nearby lanes

in search of her
she promised to look for me
If I did look for her

has she forgotten those lovely kisses
sweetened roses
pinkish cheek I now miss
ah lovely words
so far still unheard

ere the dawn
sunset night betwixt

love again begins
does she know it

Love Story

When I was young , weighed down with care,
I met a girl with golden hair.
She did not drink or smoke or swear;
she was a nurse, a dental.
All so-called beauties she’d eclipse,
a gorgeous girl with hourglass hips.
She spoke through lovely, pouting lips
with voice so soft and gentle.


I am going to go somewhere get lost

Breathe in deep the air from my car exhaust

I will get dizzy, and I will pass out

I will not cry, and I will not shout

To me, it will smell like your toxic perfume

As the carbon monoxide I consume

As I stare out into the thickening mist

I know your love has driven me to this

Through my veins, the bubbles will run

They will pop wide open before it is done

Like the bricks in Jericho's crumbling walls

I am so tired I know that I will soon too fall


Took Friday off work to drink at the pub, (Wined it was bad constipation)
And there met a worldly man-about-town, who drew me to his conversation
“There's one thing" he stated. "About women I know, after years of observance. 'he said
The ones that tell lies will all have brown eyes, can't trust 'em at work or in bed.

A Penguin named Jane

In my dreams
I see you dancing
naked on the sand
veils dropping
pearlescent skin
rosebud nipples
and a waxed netherland,
awake me from sleep

In my days
I see you in the kitchen
in boxers and a singlet
whether it be a dream
or in my waking days
I've never wanted you more
never loved you more

You are my people
and I am yours
I am your Penguin
for life




Nary a pin drop could be heard
As the sun stripped down her firey rays
Giving way to the moon's seductive glow
Body and heart open to show

Placing the athame upon the altar
Black petals falling against its wood surface
Sandalwood and saffron engulfed in fire
Floating with the wind to her desire

Speaking his name, she called above
Let these words find her love
And place him in her arms so tight
So mote it be


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.