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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Until You Win

When life just doesn't seem fair
When you think they don't care
When you feel that you are alone
When all hope seems to be gone

You have to hold your head up high
Keep going and never ask God why
Even when you fail again and again
Remember, it isn't over Until You Win


My memories betray me

Blackness seeps through the cracks

Light through the bedroom window

Laughs' at me and scoffs

I feel that I've been left to die

By family and friends

I just can't seem to cry out

No shelter from the pain

The rain it keeps falling

Desperately Ì continue crying out

Perhaps God will win the day

But in this hour of seeming neglect

I remember the dance again

You sway to the right then to the left

As moods wax and wane

But all to no avail


The pen rolls off the desk and breaks the silence
Its clatter reverberates across the empty hallway
And I sit here still
Too lazy to even reach down and grab it

The neighborhood dogs are howling outside
At this hour even the drunks are asleep
It's just me and the dogs
Only me and the dogs
They're howling at the moon
And I'm looking at mine through time
Through these tears that burn my eyes

Peevish Poets

When planets glow before Aurora’s rise,
and scattered stars migrate 'cross moonless skies.
I walk the leafy paths that take me home;
I have no inclination now to roam.

I pass the trembling trees, whose leaves have bled,
and share their sorrow over tears they’ve shed.
The dawn is breaking, far off, in the east,
and sounds of sighing ghosts have long since ceased.


Forgiveness is near
If we open our hearts now
Without questioning


On the great Australian Coat of Arms two creatures grace it with their charms
One is a big rad kangaroo The other is a lanky legged emu
Now why do you think they picked these two
Riddle of the Emu and Kangaroo
Why do you think they picked this pair
Keep on guessing if you dare.
It drove me mad I had to know why pick them for where they go
A bird with no wings that cannot fly and a voiceless beast that cannot cry
Well the Emu runs like a locomotive it can swerve and it can sway

Goodbye, my heart

They say, all good things must end
the heavy heart afflicts
why do all good things disappear?
why are you gone?
as I clasp my hands and grieve
why is life so ephemeral?

But I don't want to live
without your feelings
Goodbye, my heart

Time After Time

(for S. James)
eyes the color of wood smoke
laughing softly
chasing the icy fingers
of the dead of winter
from out my heart
while your warm even breath
sends silky shivers along my skin...
I sigh with the realization
that our years together
have been an odyssey spent in
the living knowledge
of each others inner beings
and I would stop time
in it's journey...
to preserve this one moment
through an eternity of night!


Right now,
Write now.

One Direction Or The Other

There are many types of crossroads
As through life we try to drive,
The types we find on roads or maps
Or the ones that shape our lives.

When you come across a crossroad
Do you know which way to go?
The choices need not give you pause
There are only four ways you can go.

Straight ahead may just be easy
As you can see the way ahead,
And back the way you came from
Could give you hindsight there instead.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.