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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


HANGOVER (updated)

It ain't fair that you're still on my mind

It ain't fair, though you don't try

Damn! Damn! Damn! you are again

I am what I am, and I ain't what I ain't…


And though I've put you down in music and I've put you down in paint

You know I've never really put you down at all

And though the words and music seem to be a little quaint,

It's rock 'n' roll, it's rock 'n' roll…


© Cyrus Dali Vesuvala


You can watch a performance of this song recorded at home recenttly at this link

The One

Too holy to be human,
yet clothed in flesh like mine
He cast a sinless shadow
on paths of Palestine.

Too ageless to be mortal,
yet blood and sweat and tears
He shed, as man of sorrows,
throughout His earthbound years.

Too tender to be tainted,
yet all our hate and greed
He claimed as His possession,
for which they made Him bleed.

Too truthful to be doubted,
yet lies are still retold:
“He did not rise on Sunday.”
“He’s in the tomb still cold.”

The Artist

If I could but paint in colours dark or bright.
Take brush in hand I’d paint the night,
And in the darkness I would show
Such fire to set the world aglow.

But I can,
With paper as my canvas,
My pen to use as brush,
Words my oils and colours,
You shall see how I may rush
To share this beauty with the world.

I see your face
I know your face so well
I close my eyes and you are there
With haunting eyes and flame red hair.

Challenge in the Land of Chaos

That see
Death around

That hear
Silent sobs

That speak
Angry words

That make
A hard fist

That form
A planned kick

Filled with
Hateful thoughts

Can change
With God’s help

That shine
From within

That hear
Joyful sounds


Mend my break
and ease my ache
Give me cause
To feel your claws
When you've got no choice
From a mercurial state
I plead my case
I conjure words
but wont hesitate
to pin you down
come thorn
come crown
until the truth
Travels lip to tooth
Be the mother made
to the monster in me
The rhymes we make
are now all I see
Praying's rhetorical
when grace isn't due
Both rhyme and rhetoric
Find their grace in you

Train Ride

When the grief comes back
I cannot just ignore it,
like I do with some things.
All I can do is try to stay out of its way.

I think of it as a train,
with brakes that don't care
if they stop the loaded cars
full of our dreams and the essence of you
we shared under the same stars.

The captive tracks
were laid out by you long ago,
a virtuoso of some note,
along the path of who you were.

Only the Beginning

You wrote that sentence you really should end
But there are more ideas that you need to defend
So instead of dotting a period onto the page
You put down a semicolon and continue to engage

Life is a lot like a book, an autobiography, if you will
Each chapter is filled with anger so strong you could kill
Or maybe every paragraph holds unimaginable pain
That shatters your tender heart and numbs your brain

For You

Oh, you ask what I would do.
They haven’t created.
the hell I would walk through

I will be your rock.
Even if I feel like
The last drop of sand
In the hourglass.

Some nights I doubt.
The sun will rise.
Tears became citizens.
In my troubled eyes

I wish I could drink your pain.
Even if it led to my end.
At least you would be okay.

Misery may be around you.
I promise she is not here to stay.
I bought her a ticket to a distant galaxy.


Friends are like butterflies
we gather and take home
our words, like thunderstorms
damaging delicate wings!
singing their songs
as a bird upon the wing
personalities blending
into beautiful things
sweetly holding hands
now standing in the rain
offering up a prayer
that society might refrain!

Most Guys /Gals

Don't comment
they don't want with you to cement
it's costly
expensive hobby
but in actual fact they really are shabby
kn=ow damn all of what is poetry

Waiting for AI poems may be
then say

See AI is not really emotionally
ony high flown words are coined
it's like dits and dots joined
they will enjoy and say
cee I created it with my
blown up AI


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.