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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



the horrible sound, of mechanical incisors,
Ripping into my thighs
As I programmed it to do.
a sigh of relief, from those around me.
I am dead.
My head, lay empty
The corpse of a wolf,
That once dreamed of getting better.
Doomed this fate,
tied to a life that's filled with pain and hate
Why do they weep for me?
Why do they lose sleep, over what was never theirs?
Surprised at what they caused.
shocked, and awed.

Under The Empty Pews

I lost my shoes the other day
while visiting a church to pray
for our lost souls, now gone astray,
or sailed adrift along the way.

The last time that I saw my shoes
was while I roamed between the pews
searching for minds that won't refuse
to listen to real thoughts and views

about the state the world is in
about true love, and waging sin
wondering how blind eyes have been
watching yet another war begin.

The Pretty Girl

She walks into the room,
And everyone stops to stare.
She's so pretty,
It's almost unfair.
Her hair is shiny and long,
Her eyes brown like milk chocolate,
Her skin is flawless,
And her body is perfect.
Everyone wants to be her,
And everyone wants to be with her.
But they don't know her,
And they don't know what she's really like.
She's smart and funny and kind,
She's an amazing athlete,
And she's always there for her friends.
But no one sees that,

Your Golden Hair

Your golden hair is a citadel of light,
in spangled beams it braids the dawn
and early sun is put to flight.
The flaxen fields, your sweetbright hair,
a flower’s head in flowing breeze,
in wheaten lights it fills the air
as sparkled suns burst through the trees.

Sixty Six

Sixty six - an unpoetic age
to pen, for plaudits, on this splintered stage.
My bones are aching and I need to rest
in dreamless sleep, on days when I’m depressed.

Poetry is wasted on the young,
while senile sonnets have to stay unsung!
An ageing poet’s, after all, a fool;
discarded, like an obsolescent tool.

“Old age is just a number,” so they say,
“The old are growing younger everyday!”
But I don't buy that patronising crap,
when every afternoon I need a nap!

Pages From The Past

"Destroy the books" was the hue and cry
"We won't let you read the truth",
It was 1933 in Germany
It started with their youth.

Ninety years have passed since then
And we must learn from past mistakes,
The current cries for censorship
Must be fought with all it takes.

The logic slightly different
But the end results the same,
No need to ban what offends a few
Their minds to narrow and constrain.

Perceptions are everything

Really I ain't poor,
The world tells me to want more.
Really I have enough,
Don't need yet more stuff.

I don't need yet more blings,
I have quite enough things.
Likely too many possessions,
What's with these buying obsessions?

And then when I really think,
My heart begins to sink.
When I look at my perceptions,
Rather than worldly expectations.

I see what I really need,
Not the wants I plead.
All the things that make me glad,
That take away my sense of sad.


“Willfully blind,” the paper said
and all the world knew it was true
though so many refused to acknowledge it
even to themselves

And so the once proud country
now caught in the gears of machinery dedicated to power and party
domination and debasement
slipped ever more closely
circling, spinning
toward the gaping maw of obliteration

The Pursuit of Perfection, a Losing Game

In the realm of brown eyes and flowing hair,
A girl graced the world with beauty rare.
Yet, in her thoughts, a tumultuous sea,
Obsessed with appearance, it seemed to be.

She acknowledged her allure, without a doubt,
But yearned for more, a beauty to tout.
Her mind fixated on perfection's quest,
Determined to surpass, never to rest.

Why did she dwell on such futile thoughts?
Loneliness whispered, tying her in knots.
Dreams of flawlessness became her shield,
A refuge from rejections, yet unconcealed.


Love is more than hugs
Touches and kisses are signs
Love creates feeling

Love is held inside
Capturing our heart- felt thoughts
Lasting forever


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.