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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Captive Thoughts

The suffocating walls confine and poison me,
The door might as well be miles away to break free.
Long have I waited for a way out, for a chance,
To escape the cycle of despair and break free from this trance.

My feelings reside deep inside, trapped in my skin,
And toxic thoughts linger, unwelcome and unrelenting.
Every step towards the door feels like a weight,
As I fall into the same patterns, time and again, unable to escape.

The Blooming Flower

In the quiet corners of the room,
She sits and thinks, a lonely bloom.
Shy and introverted, often misunderstood,
She feels like no one really could.

Bullied and teased, she struggled to fit in,
But her love for math and schoolwork was her win.
With each passing day, she found her way,
And slowly, she began to glow and sway.

In 7th grade, she found a friend,
And together, they laughed until the end.
But the joy was short-lived, as she realized,
That the friendship was toxic and needed to be revised.

I Was Right All Along

I’ve always had this little hunch
Just a tiny feeling
That you had bad intentions
Something you were concealing
I pushed those thoughts away
Ignored my screaming thoughts
But then my friend came along
And made that bubble pop
She told me the awful things you said
It was hard for me to listen
I realized that all this time
You really had been the villain
You were plotting behind my back
And treating me like garbage
Even though I was there for you
When things got the hardest


You molded me into an inveterate lover of you.
The hands of a sculptor, you created me anew.
So that when I’m lying next to you, and we’re singing the blues.
I get to see our voices mix into clouds of intricate hues.

I feel like you planned out this ruse,
Blueprints stacked and sprawled in your room.
Plans to make me inveterate lover of you.


I'm grateful for Sun, moon, and stars,
Less so for the advent of earthy scars.
Feel happy for the warmth on my skin,
When the start of summer does begin.

I'm grateful for loving, caring, and the kind,
Less so for the selfishness mind.
Feel happy for the good deeds that I see,
When people help the likes of you and me.

I'm grateful for new opportunities each day,
Less so for the barriers that stumble my way.
Feel happy for what I can achieve,
When I allow myself to believe.

Empty Pages

I looked through old albums
after our mother was gone.
There were so many to sort!

An enormous journey
through paper and keepsakes.
A memoir of ephemera.

It was the few empty pages
in some that got to me.
No more reminiscences
to be added and cherished.

As it turned out, I didn’t come apart.
I turned back to the photographs
and mementos that were present,
finding refuge in the stories
chronicled there on the wordless pages.


She was the purple
ribbon in my hair

now tethered to me
during these golden years

as my failing eyes
still see her gentle face

there -
long beyond her life.

The Night

Here comes the lonely night again

Comes to visit me like a long-lost friend

Lonely together like so many times

Across my face, we will draw the lines

I am so deathly cold deep here inside

With only the night into which confide

Wraps me up like a hunter in a blind

Waiting here, waiting for the killing time

Waiting for a sunny day to finally arrive

Just trying another night to survive

I keep anticipating the night

My safe harbor I hide away in the night


You’re gonna burn with Jesus-Fire.
(Honestly, I ain’t no liar!)
But if you make Him Lord and Master,
you’ll dodge damnation’s dread disaster.

You're gonna live, and live forever,
when slender strand will snap and sever
your soul from body, you’ve been used to,
you're gonna sup some savage strange brew

unless you trust the man, J.C.
(From fascist fears He’ll set you free!)
And when that bitter bonfire’s burning,
the wages that your sins were earning,

Am Lost but Once was Found

There are roads I once drove as a girl. Screaming my head off, hair flailing in the wind, hanging out a jeep window.

I drive those same streets tonight.
Images of a girl, a me who no longer exist, attack relentlessly,
Inducing panic with their haunting persistence.

and I thought…

I had friends here once, we were family
oh sweet family
just water but thicker than blood

I had a life here once , uniquely mine.
oh it was mine

But it’s gone now.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.