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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Fourth of July was quiet

Is it me
it seems nobody celebrated the 4th,
it was really quiet this year,
my neighbor didn't litter my yard with debris,
the night air was calm, and the critters rejoice
In nature songs

Sunday Morning

Each Sunday Morning we rose to hear
That Sunday was the day to pray
Mother making it quite clear
And we were to dress without delay

Each Sunday morning the church bells ring
That we must pray all through the Mass
Reminding us that we must sing
And do so with a lot of class

Each Sunday morning the priest would preach
How to treat each other
We would learn about the goals to reach
That was the hope of our mother

Describe a Sunday Morning

The beautiful gaze
exude from the early
bright sunrise in the color
of golden vibrant display
greeting with gracious
shining through
my empty soul
with a guiding light
brighten up my spirit
that bring hope and joy
in the darkness of gloomy days
with the presence
that I am embrace
filled with gratifying
of God’s grace

Where were you last night

tell me dear I want to hear
where were you last night

trailing stars and meteorites
moonlight in your hair

singing up the driveway
dancing through the door

laughter in your bones my dear
eyes sparkling in the night

so who made your shoes go tapping
that tango up the stairs

who touched the feathers of your lips
and filled your voice with song

but now you are asleep my love
safe from winter frosts

your smile so wide you cannot hide
you tango’d up the stairs

Where Were You Last Night

The sounds came from the east
Like a festival drum beats
And came from the west
Nearer like an acrobatic drum beats
Sooner came from north and south
Just as custom drum beats for the emperors
And met at the central;
Whirling in my eardrums with a forcible sign
Everybody scattered like tatters
They ran into one another in a relentless pressure,
They made their paths on the thorns
As they rushed with whatever they could hold
to a faraway land.


We sell our souls on social media for instant likes and clicks,
Our brains are fried, progress has died, as we stare into the screen.
But reality makes us into, corporate tool of money-making pricks.
And the scientists keep telling us, it’s because we’re craving dopamine.

What the hell is dopamine, a mind chemical castration?
Interaction with your phone brings only decay and isolation.
That’s what they say in complex terms to hide the revelation,
We can’t pursue human truth, while distracted by information.


I was in a place of fright
Listening to sounds of night

Finally I heard the door squeak
Only to see a drunken freak

He came so close to my bed
I felt the impending dread

A mask covered his face
In his hand was some mace

A knife was in his other hand
Poised and ready to land

I moved in time to avoid his blows
Feeling thoughts that really shows

He caught me below the bed
Pushing the knife into my head

Crying and screaming loud and clear
Hoping someone would hear

The most comforting punch in the gut.

Sad slide down the door
Click of the lock,
The thump of my head against the floor
I am so tired of wanting,
Always wanting more
Tears grow cold on my lashes,
Cheeks flushed and hot
The perfect shade of “rejected rouge”.
Its the most comforting punch in the gut,
The swooning passion of loving too much

I would love to hold you tenderly,
Have something quiet and sweet
Yet how am I meant to do that?
When I’m screaming at you to love me?

Beautiful Abyss

My soul should have been joyous yet I could only feel sorrow
Like how do I deserve the best tomorrow?
I left you all in your deepest pain
I wasn't there to support you when you endured growing pains
I lost myself in a sea of self hatred
Always detached and heavily sedated

I used to convince myself that as long as I didn't have to feel it it wouldn't be felt
No sense of pride nor self
Empowerment was sitting to high on the self
For I allowed my worth to be determined by every one else


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.