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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



In the past, she smiled
because in the moment
it seemed like the right thing to do.
There was a labor to it.

Her new smile is an improvement;
it doesn't have effort behind it.

Maybe I had something to do with this,
but I want to be the reason for it now.

When I win the Lottery

Wonder if I will become high nosed snobbery
Or choose to mask up to collect as it is mandatory.
Who will I remember from preschool or will that be too compulsory?
Should I just stick to my family as I would feel obligatory.
How far will the winnings stretch or will that be up to the actuary?

Definitely, not growing old as a weary spinster and will choose to marry.
Dazzle like England's King Arthur to Guinevere,
Amid the extravagant fanfare and pageantry.

Sisters and Brothers

You and I fight constantly
We always go back and forth
But when it all comes down
We don't question our worth

I might not be the best sister
I know you do deserve better
But I truly want you to know
I'll stay no matter the weather

I'd die for you in one heartbeat
I'd face the fire, I'd brave the heat
I'd give my life for yours tonight
Side by side we will always fight

Summer’s End

The end
Comes with August
Days full of sun and heat
A month consumed with summer fun
Now gone

Wasn't It A Lovely Rain?

It cooled the scarlet rosebud
soothed the lonely path

danced among the lily pods
gathered with the grass

bellowed above tin rooftops
perched with maple leaves

skipped along the river bank
paused beneath the trees

sang softly to the sidewalk
splashed in shallow mud

then, with one small breath, faded
silently into the sun

Natural soporific narcotic

Recurrent suicidal thoughts
vaingloriously wend along winding road
within windmills of my mind
(o'er a death cab for cutie weeknd)
yakking, yanking, and yawking zeal
becalming this crash test dummy rolling
stone temple pilot inxs
of maroon 5 plus decades long
perdition hellaciously slogging
slow as adam and the ants,
thru fifty shades of gray's


Showers of light sparkle; eyes wide open to perceive,
In silence darkness, his gaze fixed on heaven, eager to receive.
As instant light, streaks across, awe-inspiring canvass,
It’s followed by a trail of sprinkled sky and stardust.

To the north, moons crescent, finds the gaze of a small child,
And within silent backdrop, he rises, the moon upon him smiled.
Apart from for his own breath, airing joy in quiet earth,
A tranquil curve kisses dust, and gives a comet second birth.



A thin streak of pink where the blade has been
An untold story of both accident and design
When emotions rose up, washing sense away
And no conscious thought will ever hold sway
Whilst regret and remembrance hold the line
As reluctant contributors to the saddest scene

Remember How We Met

I remember the day so well
It was the start of our story to tell
We were both so shy and so scared
Neither of us had a clue how to be prepared

We met at a dance one happy day
We were scared, but we both had to stay
We talked and laughed and shared our hearts
It was then our journey did start

We talked for hours and we never ran out
About our hopes and our doubts
We shared our secrets and our fears
And wiped away each other's tears


There’s a place called home
That I’ve never known
Because I’ve never lived inside myself
I hold all the blame for this
I wear it like so many trinkets and medals
As if like Odysseus,
I’m some wayward hero
Fated by forces malevolent
Victimized by my own cruel perception
Starved for the love I can’t hold for myself
What alignment of stars
Or deified wrath
Could make such circumstance?
It occurs to me
I have been depressed by the gravity
Of my own crippling freewill


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