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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Fabrics Of Reality

Causal energies of fundamental essence,
Manifest in the representation of our mind,
Philosophers discuss in midnight sessions,
As the nature of the truth they desire to find.

Inquiring into the nature of mental machines,
Within the synapses and wirings of the brain,
Wandering through our introspective dreams,
Our enlightenment is pure but partly insane.

Fabrics Of Reality

Causal energies of fundamental essence,
Manifest in the representation of our mind,
Philosophers discuss in midnight sessions,
As the nature of the truth they desire to find.

Inquiring into the nature of mental machines,
Within the synapses and wirings of the brain,
Wandering through our introspective dreams,
Our enlightenment is pure but partly insane.

When I Win the Lottery

When I Win the Lottery...

I will always remember
that O, money, money, money
but only a tangible thing
That brings one’s wish come true
to buy a nice gift like
a new Mercedes car,
sparkling jewelry diamond
and a big mansion home

O, money, money, money
but only a tangible thing
to give what the heart is asking for
make a world difference
embrace with a gratitude feeling
bring a smile to the joyous face
to make one rich and famous

Misfire of the Heart

Her feelings and attachments
always felt messy.
Wild and uncharted too.

Attending to them was work for us both.
Broken sometimes works out,
but I had to walk away this time.

Not because I didn't care,
but I just couldn't breathe underneath
the weight of all her damage.

Henry The Eighth and Anne Boylen

He glimpsed her in pursuit of her sister,
At last, he turned his blue eye to see.
She caught him in a net then he did kiss her,
And yet, this king, could never be free.

Queen Katherine handsome, growing older,
Hair sprinkled with salt of infidelity.
A stab of pain, deep on queen’s right shoulder,
Her purpose lost in child death cruelty.

By nature, rigid-to-touch in husband’s campaign,
He consults soothsayers, they tell him lies.
Tonight, under instruction, he tries again,
Performs act as missionary: fails, no surprise.



So, are we all gathered here
I’ll do a headcount to be sure
Five of us, but we should be six
This leaves us in a bit of a fix
All of us went through that door
Jim’s the medic, there’s his gear

Jon, did you check the display
It would have shown us as light
Maggie – wasn’t Jim with you
And wasn’t Ken with him too
This portal isn’t working right
I hope we can get back today

Love Gone

My wife
Was always there
Providing love and care
And now she is gone forever
My spouse

a poem in which i ask for the things i do not have

give me a memory in which your voice does not sound like receding footsteps / give me a memory in which my father does not chase me out of the house for daring to look him

straight in the eye / give me a truth that isn't bitter enough for me to spit out lies / give me a dream in which my brother isn't lying too still on the bed / give me enough

strength in these fingers to write a new world into existence / give me a starry night that doesn't end with me screaming myself awake / give me an early afternoon that doesn't

Tears of a rose

The saddest sight I ever saw
As I crossed the garden path
Were the tears of a rose as they hit the floor
Wondering when the sun would come back

The grass accepted this liquid love
The mouse drank deep from the pond
There were blackbirds and a robin in the tree above
Staying silent as a sign of their bond

For the rose was sad she had lost her smell
All her perfume washed down to the floor
And in its place in the garden by the dell
Was an all encompassing petrichor

A Black Rose

When our truest hopes are utterly extinguished,
And the love of our life disappears into the night,
The resolute will to survive so weak diminished,
How can we strive on and rise to life's next fight?

In a time of mourning in our souls pure desolation,
Feeling the vibration of the metals in our souls,
Trying not to succumb to a feeling of desperation,
Whilst keeping within sight our true objective goals.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.