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solitude is quiet
in a
cacophonous sort
of way.

solitude is a print
with no

solitude requires

solitude is a memory

solitude is its own


When you're at school the buggers hold you down,
So many rules to control you
and make a child conform.

The teenage years are when most rebel,
Spirits are crushed under the heel
of expectations.

When you leave education behind,
Relief isn't found.
Eight hours a day under the boss man's cosh.

Pressure to conform and marry,
2.4 children and a terraced house.
Or at least be part of a couple.


I know this is two poems in one day but I'll be gone tomorrow and unable to submit. Hope ya'll don't think I'm stretching guidelines too much........scribbler

Well, there sits another bum
he's probably lazy, even dumb
I bet he pisses on the walk
and mumbles when he tries to talk

I wish they all would leave this town
seeing them just brings me down
pushing 'round their grocery cart
filled with crap they think is art

I'll try this again

Don't expect a clever rhyme
or any big adjectives
or an attempt
at perfect structure

That comes in a song
or someone else's

I simply type a line
and then another
they don't mesh
together all that well
the subject matter
isn't overly deep
or profound

And I don't worry
about proper punctuation
or make a conscious effort
regarding rhythm
or pacing
or alliteration

Hello Prosaic Poet

.....And in you I see a writer with a wonderful gift; capable of such beautifully eloquent writing. You are a true artist and are, in my opinion, unequalled in your ability to express yourself. I am, truly, your fan and enjoy our prosaic connection

Wise Appreciation

Thy words of wisdom,
The evaluation
Of a prosaic poet,
Is in itself
A sign of divinity
Upon whose shoulders
Rests human dignity
To appreciate is in it
A gift divine,
It’s like drinking love
With eyes,
Like wine

GOLDEN BALLERINA ( alternate forms )

As promised here are 3 more forms

Free Verse

The high wind swirls in this ravine
setting off whirl winds, scattered
mostly defined by dirt and duff
save one

A single golden poplar leaf
freshly fallen and still perfect
twists and turns pirouetting

Climbing higher, ever higher
becoming a mere speck
then releases for a terminal tumble
floating in a lengthy falling
its final swan song ballet

Western Classic

sanctity of quiet

sanctity of quiet

quiet is sanctity
of one --
an insouciance

caring free
as grape vines
burgeon fruit

a fly buzzes farmlands --
light shines
dappled between feathers
of birds in flight

not counting quills
to stay aloft --

avian brains
balanced as no others

but perhaps humans
who trod thin edges
of silent way

long and narrow
the path
pitfalls each on each side

A Gun

A gun cause’s harm
To the innocent
Give justice to the guilty
Not so much the gun, but
The soul behind the gun


I am posting this Haiku today and will expand into three other forms tomorrow

A lone poplar leaf
swirling in an autumn wind
a golden ballet

Tomorrow will post i Western Classic, Free Verse, and Parallel forms.............scribbler

Night Shift

While my world sleeps
and the solitude of night
comes crashing in bringing thoughts
which fly around on strings
suspending kites of imagery's
that battle for their place
in mid-flight streams

The tug-o-war
of what was, what is,
and what might be pushes away
the possibility of sweet sleep
I wonder, will I ever rest?
I close my eyes so tight
but all I see on the curtain of my eyes
are the floating ghost
that look like bright lights


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