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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Tangling Web...

And in the tangled web he weaves
the spider sits so quietly
The victim strums a line that's tight
reflected in the little light

Now the struggle turns desperate
the spider has him in his net

Faced with doom, in the late night gloom
he plays dead, even though he dreads

The moth gone blind with so little light
carefully cuts the line that's tight

Powdered wings touch silken strings
and a secret of his power

He prefers to fly alone, to survey from his tower

At Last With Fall

What beauty comes at last with Fall
When golden hour is best of all -
Where autumn’s light set trees aglow
With shimmering shades and bright yellow,
And where each backdrop’s reddish scene
Is sprinkled with some evergreen.

It seems to be a magic sign
When colors clash against the pine,
And temperatures begin to change
While verdant hillsides rearrange.

Forged By Fire

What words are there left to say
When you've said all you can
How can you encourage others
If you're sinking in quicksand

What can you do to lift others up
If you're depressed beyond messure
How do you impress everyone else if
You're still looking for buried treasure

You can't always be the champion
There'll be days you are going to fall
Every now and again a time will come
When you won't get to answer the call


I should be out now
In the warmth of the sun.
Playing with Fairies,
We would have such fun.

What's that I hear?
Two and two make four!
I really don't care
School can be such a bore.

Oh! this classroom seat
So hard on my bum.
(Can I say that?)
Please don't tell my mum.

Still the Fairies will wait
Till the day ends
With the ringing of the bell
Then it's off with my friends.

Pantry proselytism

Food and drink
comestible edible potable drinkable
sustenance habit reward
attraction diversion abstraction
whet stimulate satisfy
revive stir passion creativity
fill unmet appetites

Time Flies So Quickly

In every wind that blows
Whither the leaves flee for aid
To a place than all beside more sweet
Where there is a calm, a sure retreat.

From every swelling tide of woes
Brighter vision beam afar,
Like the natal star
That shows the gifts of mystic meaning.

Another year rolls by,
The time flies so quickly by;
Why friends are falling down dead?
When they are standing on the brink of life;
If I'm called home this season,
Should I ask, this year which is to pass by
In a gentle and pleading voice.

The Timeless Children

Could he be back ? We don't know but the Christmas is a time for magic :)

Rain Vision

Peering through the lattice chains
Of transformed lucent windowpanes;
The pelting water blurs my view
Of lights down on the avenue.

Racing droplets filled with light,
From flashing neon signs at night;
All sparkle, bubbling up like soap,
As jewels in a kaleidoscope.

Pounding torrents fast then slow,
That splatter, splashing to and fro;
Make tempered tinted glass to streak,
While moisture levels reach their peak.

Little Girl Lost (reworked)

Each day I wait for you
to pick me up from school.
As other kid's parents come for them,
but I am a small figure alone; a little lost fool...

Are you sick again,
drinking from that flask?
I have tried to help you
usually failing at my task.

Mommy, please, please come for me!
I am so very weary of my fears!
Have you forgotten me again?
Crying into my pillow, heavily stained by tears.

Dreamer's Moon

What is it about the moon on high
That lends itself to song and verse,
And mesmerizes every one of us
As in its beauty we immerse?

The moon cloaks itself in many colors
Silver, gold, and there is blue,
And goes by many varied names;
Snow and wolf and flower too.

The sailor looks to chart his course
While on placid seas he glides,
And the moon is there to offer help
With the ebb and flow of tides.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.