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The Bell On Her Bicycle

Three wobbly hesitations.
Two nasty spills.

One "I'mgonnadoit!"
And off she goes,

tires flying
almost as joyfully

as the sound of
the victorious bell

piloting her handlebars.


Walking to
Proxima Centauri

would take
nine hundred fifty

million years.
I cannot see it

with my naked eye,

with infinite marvel
I believe it to be there.

Curiosity is the first step.


I was just a boy of ten
It was nineteen fifty three,
With dreams beyond tomorrow
That reached as far as I could see.

With bat in hand and an old worn glove
I searched for a pick up game of ball,
So down the street I rode my bike
To find my friends as summer called.

Kids in old torn jeans and shirts
Worn sneakers, if not bare feet,
Love and shared companionship
On display just down our street.


To sell my love to a stranger, was the hardest brick to sell,
I hid my face behind my hand, to cast the frigid spell.
If I could ask for what I desired, would I speak it straight?
The promise of the future, was where I left my fate.

Reminders of the past seeping home into the present.
And every memory reminisced, returns to me unpleasant.
In twist and turn of fantasy, I make this story fact,
It doesn’t concern characters; mistakes remain intact.

Early Fall

The leaves are changing colors
They're turning to shades of orange, yellow and red
The days are getting shorter, and the nights longer
A cool chill is in the air, as Fall creeps in

The days of summer are quickly fading
The sun no longer so bright and warm
The days of beach trips and pool parties are done
As Fall takes over the early morning sky

People tell me

Grief is not linear.
I don't care.
I want you back.
I want grief,
to be,
Something I read about.

I want it to be,something.
Not this real
stone in my throat I cannot swallow.

Not this, tiring
Not this, hurtful
Not this,TRUE.

And not this anecdote,
We all can
relate to

I refuse to relate,
to this pain.

I won't give it power.
I will not swallow.

Write a love letter to the sky

Precious of love, it remains
in memory
through the intertwined soul
of the far distance reign
Lost in the emotional wave
Soft breeze maintains
Bitterness comes into place
Echo of reminiscing embrace
Each heartbreak, it stays in silent
Streaming tears fill the eyes
with deep soul pain
Transcend into despair
that set us apart, in this world
Until we meet again
when destiny brings us
back with rekindle of light
with the promise of time
Like heaven and earth
made for each other


A gargantuan it was
Rising from the swamp
Voraciously devouring
everything that it saw
The horrid terrifying
dinosaur-like beast
ate every creature
strung from the stump
of the cypress tree
It turned to me
with jaws a snappin'
this forty pound behemoth
reeking of feces
and its last kidnapping
it looked at me with
beady red eyes
and I thought to myself
is it my time to die?
When to my surprize
a shot in the dark
my brother in a boat
moved up beside me

No Name

Misty dewdrops clung to the airs demise,
Through shadows of bent thorns and vines,
You lay baron in the earths carpet,
Forgotten, the lady with no name.

Crimson currents raged against snowed banks,
Through moss rocks of black and green,
You lay gentle with hair cascading,
Forgotten, the lady with no name.

Dawn broke onto mountains sky high,
Through onto roads paved of ones destination,
You lay abandoned for salvage,
Forgotten, the lady with no name.


I saw him and I cowered
From the stare of his bloodshot eyes,
A scowling, hairy creature
Come from where I could but surmise.

He growled,he snarled, he drooled
As though with madness took,
He raised his hands and clutched his face
And then his head he shook.

He peered at me more closely,
Was he as shook as I?
To see this primitive creature
Hair lank, unkempt, awry.

He's gone now, gone forever
Forever and a day,
I'll ne'er set eyes on him again
Till to the mirror I do stray.


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