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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Sixteen Seasons

Sixteen seasons came and left
Still I remained stagnant with grief
Story was stolen, amnesia found me
I played the victim of this ghostly thief

The leaves fell, the grass it grew
Imposed by ice and snow
Summer sang the sweetest songs
But never did I know

The warmth had left and so the light
No longer touched my heart
And all my dreams lay dashed about
Broken, scattered, and smashed apart


On this land we tread, hope, believe,
Building years in hardwork, effervescence
Regimes envisaging dreams, skies pregnant with our desires to achieve,
No hiatus, for time never leaves our presence,
On this land, space and time,
The universe filling the missing gap, sending messages,
Through our veins, soiled in blood


I felt this clamping razor edged like fangs
burrowing deep into my neck like a soft
Peach and a sharp - edged knife stabbing

sinking deep. it was crimson red and
thick like syrup weeping

Slowly gliding down my chest. An aroma of
rotten decomposing flakey flesh and rotting
Death breath. The tomb still night was raven

Black. Ice degrees death breeze chills running
all the way up to my Head. I only went
outside the cavern pub to smoke a cigarette.

From Lucifer...With Lust

Under the guise of loving eyes, he came.
Softening me with smiles that flattered
Honey stained lips that chattered
Of new and brighter days

Take my hand, he said with a grin
Enjoy life's twists and spins
There is nothing more to fear
For I'll always be near

Even when you want to run
And life with me has lost its fun
When the mask has fallen,
In the end, it's my name you're callin'

Kindness Departs

In the devil’s Lair,
Here, there, everywhere.

His evil stare,
Like a mirror’s glare.

Reflect back on us,
Oh what’s the fuss?

Yet we do not see,
Our lack of humanity.

As tables get turned,
Flipped what we learned.

Turned morality about,
So we were left with nowt.

But cold stone hearts,
And hatred wins, when kindness departs.

Dark Side Of Love

Love is supposed to be a blessing,
Itcan be a deadly curse,
The dark side of love is so oppressive,
It can make you feel so much worse.

It can bring out the worst in us,
Make us do things we regret,
The dark side of love is so destructive,
It can leave us feeling upset.

To the sky!

To the Sky! (A love letter to the sky)

The dark night
lifts its canopy
As brighter beam
will cross my brow
The morning breaks
and leaves behind
the darkened, starry sky
Its clouded realm
bursts into rain
A teardrop from my eye
The sun breaks through
With azure beam
A rainbow fills the sky
My love for thee
Is not contained
I lift my head and sigh
Extending love
So graciously
My passion for the sky!!


After the food,
and family,
and laughter,

we walked

along the creekside path.

And while we chatted,
a sharp-shinned hawk
gave chase to a screeching sparrow,

finally seizing it,
pinning it to the ground
before taking it to a high tree

where it ripped off one feather after another -

and as we watched,
we felt the weight of
the history of our country,

the beginning, when
lives were seized, pulled apart,
and taken away, like so many

Oh wonderful sky

Oh wonderful vastness,
Perfect sky.
Perspiration vessel,
Beauty that makes me cry.

Clouds so fluffy,
Pillows of joy,
Create artist’s landscape,
We visually enjoy.

And when I sit,
Taking time to wonder.
At the shapes,
In your vastness yonder.

I’m left so grateful,
For the sky you are.
Amazing and wonderful,
The greatest gift by far.

Write about Success

Success transcends from
the act of perseverance
with instilled of mind set
build persistent image

Embrace each failure
with a positive attitude
that comes to face in life
with a matter of optimistic

Never resign from fear
with a determination
to overcome obstacles
reach for the shining stars

Success is counted
with the opportunity
making the impossible
to become reality


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.