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The stream (all workshops)

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Down through the valley
the forests and trees.
A ghost wind blows
through the soft quaken leaves.
A river runs through it
and moves right along.
And hurries to sing
it’s harmonious song.
The folks in the down below,
start singing it too.
And wait for the ghost wind
to gently move through!

I'll Never Say Goodbye

I know you had your demons
I know that you knew too,
I only wish I could have known
Where you were driven to.

I had seen the river rising,
I had seen the storm clouds form,
And the ever present shadows
Where the darkness seemed to swarm.

Perhaps you never knew
I loved you as you were,
Now all I have are memories
That will never leave nor blur.

I won't say goodbye to you
You are with me in my soul,
If only we had one more time
Before the darkness took its toll.

My Monarch

Regal in her presence she sits.
Served and assisted with pleasure.
No title, no land to her name.
Beneficent, she rules without measure.
My queen, my monarch, my sawyer.
In serfdom and care I reside.
Your palace, a domain we both cherish.
Your royal banner I’ll carry with pride.
Into battle your colours I will carry.
Close to my heart in splendour they’ll reside.
Your foes I will defeat without fear.
Your strength is the steed I will ride.
To sit by your side in reverence.
And assure you, upper most respect.

Loving Heart

A loving heart, so pure and true
Beats with compassion, through and through
It knows no boundaries, it knows no fear
It's a source of light, always near

It holds no grudges, it bears no hate
It's a well of love, that seals our fate
It sees the beauty in every soul
And makes broken hearts, once again whole

A loving heart, it knows the pain
But it never gives up, it never will wane
It carries the burdens, of those in need
And plants the seeds, of hope and creed

End of the Drought

She held it all inside --
smiled at people on the street.
Picked up groceries, put them in the fridge.
Laundered towels and linens.
Paid bills, made the bed.

Went to work.

But when a cedar waxwing flew into her window,
suddenly it became too much.
No longer was her lover there to
help bury the tiny, lifeless form.

And like a profane, wretched day,
her rain poured.


Warm night, steam from ice.
Hold me down, beneath your body.
Mama's baby drenched in sin,
while you call for me again.

As my lips scrape against your chest,
a single tear falls, grazing my breast.
Knowing it will never be more than this.
Survival of the fittest.

New Year's Day

Another year gone
Another new day
Just a minute later
But a brand new way

Resolutions are made
But are they kept?
When the year ends
What will be left?

Plans are meant to keep
Habit are made to break
Motivation will never last
Discipline takes the cake

Don't wait for chances
Winners always take them
Pressure is the difference
Between a rock and a gem

The Shadow Knows

Examine your shadow self
A darker side that lives in stealth
In unguarded moments it shows
What’s hidden inside, only the Shadow knows

A dark clusters of thorns
That strangled the rose
Why it didn’t survive
Only the shadow knows

Waging an internal war
When friends turn to foes
An ugly side reveals itself
Only the shadow knows

A fighter hawk descends on a dove
Why are you at war with what you love
There will be remorse after the abuse
Too weak to resist, there’s just no use

A Walk with You

We invited the sun to join us.
To come out from behind that sullen cloud
and share with us late in the morning.

With amber light breaking through,
in tow as company for the day,
our hands were together and warmed
but not by the busy sun.

No offense was taken,
our yellow star assured us,
as we walked between the shadows
being painted all around us.


Bright colored feathers
a bluebird of sorts.
She flew from the house top
to the window of course.
She sat on the sill
and chirped for a bit.
Inside lay a child
alone in its crib.
She started by singing
a sweet nursery song.
That seemed to draw
the cool evening along.
And just as the child
was fast asleep.
She flew off
In the moonlight,
Other errands to keep.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.