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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Ah... what luxury to wax poetic
as freedom to trumpet thoughts,
ideas, emotions, et cetera will wane,
especially if president number forty five
courtesy wealth and/or stealth
dons the mantle as de facto fractious tyrant
of these United States
come November 5th, 2024
methinks perchance mankind always vain
n'er did appertain
moral hike polar opposite

Falling apart

Why do you Let us fall apart,
Continuing the crumbling crooked walls,
bridge pieces collapse and are hauled off in a cart,
I can't see how this problem resolves,
memories that aren't shared by no other,
hopeless Chills begin to fester,
because everything I try makes no progress,
to smother this flame and reassess her.


Pressing my muddy leather boot down to the chipped
chrome scuffed pedal. Free hanging Tendrals over toes
Wheels screeching like screaming banshees searching
For lost Souls

hot fucking fireballs of light cylinder wheels
smoking to a rock 80s symphony. A kiss ass dead track
and matching break neck speed that can't be tracked

bouncing rattling tin sheet molten metal rack
rebounding off the square shell shack,
ears pinned to dance with the dead track. Ball of glow

If I

Close my eye
I see you

You aren't dead
I just
My eye.

I see you.
Take me with you.

Looking again

I thought I found who I was
But I ran from her

I made connections in ways I never had
now they’re lost

I came back to what was known
im reminded why I fled

I don’t know how to be comfortable
I avoid it

I wish I could let myself

Something scares me
I find it so eery
The idea of forever

I don’t know how to give myself

There’s always a little voice
because of you

I wish I could find turn it down

I wish my biggest enemy wasn’t me

Haunted House

Within the darkest hour,
of the darkest night,
whispers creep through the crevices,
bringing devastating truths to light.

Floor boards creak,
from unseen feet.
Colorless lips rasp in spite,
giving way to an invisible fight.

Secrets kept, to mourn in silence.
Slip through the cracks
while others pull the knife
in and out of your back.

within hinterlands of
Perkiomen Valley Pennsylvania
occurred January 6th promptly at noon.

Virgin whiteness blankets terrestrial realm
bajillion snowflakes tumble out of sky
atavistic fascination awakened
agog at ice crystals stinging each eye
while I strike open mouthed stance
relishing tasting frozen water molecules.

No matter yours truly witnessed
countless winter wonderlands
since completing lxiv orbitz round the sun,
the first major seasonal substantial accumulation
excites the little boy inside me.

An Old Friend

An Old Friend
Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

I walked through those hospital doors
They put all of the lines in my arms
And cut first into my chest
And then my heart
And the surgeon said
You’re a tough kid

I got my first tattoo
The day I turned old enough too
And then, I got another
The truth is that by the last one
I didn’t even feel it
Sink into my skin

Acts Of Bravery

We should honor those who dare to be bold,
Who face their fears, their stories untold.
For in their acts of bravery, a tale unfolds,
Of strength and resilience, their spirits untold.

Stopping a robber from stealing
Shows the inner thoughts revealing
Giving advice to an overreacting boss
Often causes a terrific loss

Whatever acts we do that is right
Reveals our actions that shows our might
Acts of bravery are not always tragic
But they do often show our inner magic

Meeting My Superhero; Steven

Ten years, I went with a sealed heart
living with the rules I had self-imposed.
Do not get too close or let "Him" in,
love is no option! This window is closed!

On my own having taken good care
not get mixed-up with yet another man.
Years in school, an associates degree
next, the Air Force and travel was my plan!

Having just met, I told of my goal
all through the night you worked to change my mind.
Through the day you convinced me to stay
for you could see that I was flying blind .


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.