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This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Already Old

Over coffee that morning
we both smiled. Remembering
when we first met
we were both already old.

But we were free
from the awkwardness
of first encounters with love.

At the time, we didn't know
we would share in the sun
the rest of our shadows together.


Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

From my Mom, I learned to give.

From my Dad, I learned to sing.

From my brother, I learned determination.

From my sister, I learned drive.

We are all made up of these pieces.
A blend of the people we strive to be.

I hope I’ll ever have done something
For someone to keep a piece of me.

Written January 26, 2024
© 2024 Kelly Ann Wilson

The Knock on the Door



I think the windows in our homes
should have screen savers -
we might choose a warm summer day,
or a cozy winter wonderland
accompanied with soft flute music
and a twinkling GIF.

Perhaps a screen saver
for our entire back yards,
or neighborhoods,
cities, countrysides,
or, get this...
our world.

A steaming hot soak in the bathtub,
It was party night at my Aunt's.
Permission or not, I was going
Norma wanted to throw a rant...

If anything, Norma was jealous
of Nita's interest in me,
her newest student of the Arcane
many surprises, come to be...

under her saddle a grain of grit
that Norma would never admit
SHE was the chosen, She was the Witch!
stamped up and down throwing a fit...


Phishing (Fishing without a rod)

Dangers lurking,
Deceitful bait waiting,
Online predators strike quickly,

Full of the saloon

Who swoons at the full moon
Nothing but a blue fool

Filled Up on dreams and booze
A howling Calhoun buffoon

Without a fortune or much else to do
Soon he will be put in front of a courtroom

Not sure which looney version he will be
It’s evident by his ballooning belly all
the alcohol he’s consumed

As I was spared let me not assume he sung the same tune
But I am sure the judge presumes his
brain is strewn

Did he ever tell you the story of him dancing with a raccoon?

Moon Dancer

"Can people dance on the moon, Mother?"

"Maybe, but they probably want to avoid the craters there."

"But would the holes on the moon be lonesome?"

"They might be Honey; they’ve been there a very long time."

“Mother, will you be here as long as the holes on the moon?”

“I don’t think so. I suppose you’re right about the holes there.”

Can You....

Can you see me in the shadows,
weeping behind a veil of darkness?
Locked inside a heart shaped mess,
trapped within feelings of emptiness.

Can you hear me in your dreams,
reaching out as you push me away.
When hope and laughter isn't enough
to make you want to stay.

Can you feel me when you chose someone else?
Does my name cross your lips while speaking hers,
or am I just a fleeting memory, one of the damned
to ever grace your presence with unconditional love?

I Live for You (The Full Moon Contest)

I used to live
To see the moon during the day.

I know it seems silly,
But everyone has something they live for.

Some live for themselves,
Their kids,
Their parents,
Their pets,
Their jobs…

But when you’re so low
That you feel like you have nothing to live for,
You have to find something.

I found mine.

When the sun was high in the sky
And she was right there beside him.
Two lovers destined to be separated forever.
Meeting just for a day…

It was beautiful to me.


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