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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



When the last fish is eaten,
From a billionaire's raised fork,
And the water is poison,
Will humans become pork?

When money's merely paper,
With pictures of our past,
On plastic-painted vapour,
The future comes too fast.

When the final tree dies,
And Earth turns to dust,
Lay down, never rise,
Stay silent, in death, we trust.


Is my way still going,
And my journey steering right?
My name still worthy?
Cleared from all wrinkles and blemishes?

A vision sighted through teary eyes, scarred shadow,
Divinely scripted, to become many a good to come,
Flies gather, intending to pull out power,
Mistakes and emotions boring its incisors on my lonely street,
Wanting to chew away every strength, hope to survive.


We know starfish live in the ocean.
We know delicate wildflowers grow
between mighty mountain rocks.

We know that layers, upon layers
of sky swells above us, over us...
beyond us.

Sometimes, I think of such things.

However they came to be,
and whoever created such exultation,
I wonder...

do they know me, too?

Nights That Last Forever

The endless night will soon appear
And usher all my demons will step in,
As thoughts of long past troubles
Descend and strive to dwell within.

Tragedies and despairs from long ago
Make their presence felt once more,
On these nights that seem to never end
What may be the troubles I'll explore?

The decisions that I might have made
Had my conscience been more clear,
Give way to endless second thoughts
Which churn within my darkened sphere.

Long Enough

I've lived long enough,
but not long enough
not to miss it when it will go.

Seems I am just now
getting the hang of things.
Not all of them, to be sure.

But certainly all of the beautiful things.
Those that began long before me
as dust and dirt from the stars.

Isis staind 27+ years...

of scorpion stinging poison us marriage,
whereby the missus and I
experienced genesis as
mama and papa respectively.

(jest kibitizing)

thus explaining why I
(a sixty five year young adult)
joined blue oyster cult
to live out my dream as
a Norwegian bachelor farmer
yours truly doth exult.

Under The Influence

Too much alcohol
Creates A false sense of joy
Makes us prisoners

When I'm With You My Worries Fade Away

Each morning I wake up with a new wound.
Unpleasant reminders of the hurt I’ve inflicted.
Not only on myself, but others.
When everything seems fine, I cry.
Drops fall as I wonder how all my past friends are.
Are they happy? Do they still think about me?
Do I even want to know?
My brain cages me from reason as I grasp for a sense of meaning.
Do I find one? Maybe not.
I'm stuck in a spiral of regret and the void beckons me closer.
Full of grief, I'm my own enemy.
I wish someone would show me what to do.

Top Jimmy!

Shredd me out dude!
play stairway one more time
give Eddie a lesson
that will make us come unwound
you played the Brit blues
in beauty and aggression
to frighten the crowds
with your own
unique expression
So, rock on Top Jimmy!
for the music must change
and in my book
you're one and the same!

Endless Sleep

I can feel the water filling my lungs
Weighing on my chest
It's heavy and cool

It sinks me
to the bottom
And holds me in place

My chest rises and falls
With the waves
Slow and smooth

I let my body flow
With the pace of the water
As I drift off to sleep

When I awaken
The fish greet me as their friend
The sand under me is warm

I close my eyes
once more
To listen to the movement

The dull crash of the waves
The echo of silence
The beating of my heart


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.