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The stream (all workshops)

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The Visitor

You visit for a moment,
Accept a breath of hospitality,
Then dash away again.
You share your company briefly.

But in that time, oh,
The magic you bring.
From tiny eggs to instars
To gloriously patterned wing.

I watched you hatch and crawl,
Grow, shed and wriggle.
You change your dress. Your
New look makes me giggle.

You give me joy and delight
With your aerial ballet.
My royal friend, magician,
Harlequin at play,

Double meaning

As tribalism reactionary rhetoric
new meaning and outrage
take center stage in a cultural divide
interpretation becomes key
if you’re trying to effectively
get a point across to the other side

Take for example offensive as in offense
ponder the meaning of this
is it opportunity for advantage
striving for the upper hand in a game
or angst-inducing like a swearword
a hateful or demeaning diss


Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

One impression that I was left with
From my years spent in this world
Was all of the ways
It desperately needed me to be

Feel less
Feel pain less
Fear less
Grieve less
Show us your suffering less

Be quieter
More cautious
More careful

Don’t aim so high
Don’t set your hopes so high
Don’t reach for such big things
Don’t sing with all of your might

Our Boy, Gonzo (mon petit chou)

Going for walks in the hood,
you walked ahead on the grass
When I stopped, you did also,
I talked to you as we went along.

I loved the way you looked both ways
continuously when crossing the streets,
I marveled at the intellect that was you
taking enormous pride that we belonged.

We traveled everywhere together,
in my 1967 Pontiac goat(GTO) you rode
resting in my lap, with window view,
on my motorcycle, nestled inside my jacket.

All of this music!

All this music in the background
placating my tender ears.
Lace my feelings with a drop of of thunder
and again with saddened tears.
My furtive motives are'nt grounded.
They take flight from ear to ear.
They hear and feel things, far within.
Sounds that ring so loud and clear.
Take me far into the midnight,
waft away in colored balloons.
Let me run through fields of tulips,
join my voice with choral strains.
Every sound is so enchanting.
Won't you come and sing with me!

Tulips of love

Love in spring season
Prettier than all others
Vibrantly alive

So giddy within
Teeming delight more blissful
Rejoicing splendor

Enthralled by its bloom
Curious yet Courageous
Spring is eternal

Your Drug of Choice

You left me
To be with her

You drank her down
And came home to me

You thought I wouldn’t know
But I could smell her on your breath


You brought her home
And I let it slide

Again and again
I found her in my bed

I finally gained the courage
To tell you no more

“If you bring her home again
I won’t stick around”

And you brought her home again.
It was between me and her…

You chose her.
And I’m sorry…

That I wasn’t your drug of choice.


Sometimes, when I sit down to write,
a blank piece of paper in front of me,
I see beautiful words already there.

But it was always going to be you
who helped me put them on the page.

Dancing In The Dark

The candle burning on the mantle ledge
Flames dancing on this darkened night,
Remind me of the two of us in love
While we danced 'till morning's light.

The picture hanging in the hallway
Others neatly framed and on display,
Show us living life for all it's worth
I remember every fun filled day.

I wonder what went so wrong
Was it me or was it you?
I know there's blame to share
But I'll always wish I knew.

The Underdog

He never saw me coming
He's the best there is
He didn't worry about me
He thinks he's got this

He sees the underdog as a
Contender, not a competitor
He has the fan base and power
I'm just the rookie at the door

But while he enjoys the fame
And takes a merry little vacation
He seems to have forgotten his
Greatest weakness is underestimation

Because I'm shattering ideas
Knocking the door off its hinges
I'm clawing my way to the top
While he looks at me and cringes


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