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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Pillow Fluff Clouds

The pillow fluff clouds
Gambol across an Azure sky
I labor under the sun
It brings relief and new life
To these winter weary bones

Mating calls fill the air
Waiting for the warm spring
Breeze, that will carry them to
Their intended

Deluges of rain
Scrub the planet
In anticipation of
Flora and Fauna’s arrival

I pause to take it all in
With a deep sigh
A smile
And an old tune hummed
I return to work the earth
From whence I come

The way back (new title and revision)

Show me the way
back to your heart

Tell me how
to make love last

Give me a hint
of how I should start

So you’ll understand
what I want to share

Let me be
the light in your life

Show me the switch
that turns on your heart

Point out to me
which is the way

Please, take my hand
and lead me there

Let my broken heart
find love's path back.

Bridging the gap

In the dying light of your voice,
the sky wings away
silhouettes my bones;
I suck at marrow
of small gods
flesh the north wind, so pure,
inside my mouth:
the sun picks at my eyes,

You Be Happy!

You are happy
I am happy
if you are a part of
Neopoets and my family
You will be happy...

Come join me
in the oblivion of time
I reside at the edge of eternity,
Where there is pure happiness,
As my only company

I reside in the hearts of mankind
Who are as happy?
As you are and are
also so kind.

Everything in life is relative
Happiness too

What of a rose can you think?
If it had no thorns,


The screen's fading glow
is like memories dissipating
as I rise and finally go
to my warm bed awaiting

Rhyku- a new,I think, form similar to Haiku in which brevity in form is used but in which at Least 2 lines contain rhyme.Does not matter which 2. Limitation in number of lines is 3 minimum and 4 maximum and length of each line to not exceed 7 words. Give it a try and see if you like it lol...............stan


Raindrops fall.
I stretch my arm out,
feel them on my palm
now wet with rain,
the familiar coldness,
your thoughts
that run across my mind.
The raindrops turn warm
and I wipe my cheeks.

Haïku to work on

The spring sun
reincarnates the scent
of autumn

Way in the distance
a white seagull
passed a dark wood


dark silhouette against the sky
against the mountain
white bird

Shrubs on the hidden path
throw pollen
on the marriage

(SH! I saw it)
Dogs dropping
wrapped in a dead leaf
spring roll

dew falls down the leaf
all the world
is second hand

the fig leaves
fell off

even the paper flowers
give company


Bats Say It Better

Bats sing better harmonies, outside my window
Mouths slick with the pulp and juice of our orange tree,
they screech to each other in E minor,
D flat and A sharp, calling
‘the fruit is here!’

My mouth is always dry,
exhausted of trying to speak of things post-lingual:
these emotions, something other than elated, destitute or sad.
Doing it better,
the bats still manage to sing.

Granduer at Miniscule Debit

Ply me with grass fingers
you wave through the old growth
and the fresh barometric stubble
shinning with eyes pulled
deep from sounding action
coloured by storms and fires
lit by sunsets harsh and
tender attraction

Nickle and dime salutation
and your trick as you turn that
worn lucky peice through your
fingers and click it on your
grandmothers ring
walking in your gait across
cracked greyling sidewalks
that have seen steel rimmed
democrats and winged Detroit

It's my job to whisper...

It’s my job to whisper…

They whisper on the wind in the
minds of the sane taking up their
station for profit or for gain.

Mesh covered windows are cracked
open during the night allowing only
the breeze inside or within sight.

Treachery they guard against in case
their secrets out the punishment for
informants they are never left to doubt.

We are just the senders and not to
know the reasons why we all get sharp
reminders and some they even die.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.