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It's my job to whisper...

It’s my job to whisper…

They whisper on the wind in the
minds of the sane taking up their
station for profit or for gain.

Mesh covered windows are cracked
open during the night allowing only
the breeze inside or within sight.

Treachery they guard against in case
their secrets out the punishment for
informants they are never left to doubt.

We are just the senders and not to
know the reasons why we all get sharp
reminders and some they even die.

If you don’t understand this then please
don’t tell a soul for I’ll be an informant
then surely as I speak the best I’ll get is goal.

If you are still reading then please do
cover your screen for as I wrote this message
the were searching where I’d just been.

The next time I’ll tell more I know this
is short and sweet but if you can try to
get back here my mind will sweep you
off your seat.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
How does this theme appeal to you?
Last few words: 
More to come, i promise...
Editing stage: 


hmmmmmm mysterious...

raj (sublime_ocean)

I give up. What is this type poem with random rhyme within each stanza? Whatever the form,the little "trips" seem to actually add to rather than detract from this fun poem..........stan

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