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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Under The Cover Of Darkness 

Under the cover of darkness
Secrets are made
hidden like treasures
in the heart of earth's core

Secrets are like diamonds
dirty, tainted with impurities of life

Secrets like ocean jewels
when purged of it's sins
makes the heart shines
like pearls on the necks of stars

Secrets made and shared
under the cover of darkness
when revealed at dawn
draws the light of truth
on mountaintops

battle weary

if you are battle weary,
lay down your weapons of mass destruction,
remember the process of
internal combustion, how only after food is swallowed
the process of digestion, assimilation
and elimination begin,

Glass II

Glass II

Await the sound
Await the sound
Await the sound of breaking glass

The insects march in unison
Unaware of the control they are under
I watch them dance below
Stomping wildly to the droning beat

Rhythm too fast
Bass line too harsh
Await the sound of breaking glass

Flashlight photography
Blinding tired eyes
Disguising blatant lies

Strobe light nightmare
Infrared dreams
Into ultra violent screams

An Abode for the Dark

Slowly bleeds into the light
As a stain
Of India ink

But a memory or myth
Sleep will come
If you believe

You are
Truly safe from my death grip
Is it faith
In the unseen

I laugh,
Night is where the terror lives
Can you see
In my dark light

I do,
what I see is fear in you
Dancing in
A starless sky

Close them,
think that I am not with you
Let your sleep
Carry you on

i will love you

as long as you want me to
love you and longer still
i will stand by your side
for eternity if you will

see the longing i have for you
as i look deep in your eyes
i feel a spiritual connection
once born that never dies


One man, one wife,
The ideal thing to do
Laws made to protect
Support the weak in love

Bigamy, polygamy and polyandry
For reasons diverse and varied
Though outlawed in the mores
Hold sway in forms and guises

The man with ninety nine wives
Ha! That’s just too much for one
His children known by names
And to each, a number given

Some credos egg on more than one
With conditions to love them equally
Be it for economy or strength in numbers
The fighting cock protects his harem


Stars have faded in the eastern sky
as the horizon bleaches black to gray
Carolina bids the night goodbye
and prepares for yet another day

A barred owl silently glides past
to his daytime secret sylvan home
June sunrise is coming fast
acrobatic squirrels start to roam

Mist streamers lift from the still pond
like last night's departing ghost
where cat tails wave like a magic wand
crane touches down silent, almost

What Are We

What Are We?

We all are angels
of our own breed,
Akin to apparitions
of human seed

Upon wings of angels
we seem to fly



Into eternity unknown
we all perish

So whilst we live
We ought to

Prince Harry's Couldron

There's that black pot
Looming large
And shadowing the kettles,
All sooted like the lot.

There's the master
Lean and tall
And capped, squared;
(encompassed actually)
In checkered skins
and oddly fitting kilts.
A Scotsman on his rite,
A concrete slab afore
The pinafore
And big brother watching

The Hold of the Fantasy Brain

Her style did meet my banter
so, we toyed with each other's eyes;
I wondered how my world would change
if she were to try me on for size!

It's true, that I don't own a car
so,I couldn't pick her up,
it's also true I wanted more
than her company during, "sup".

Her beauty was more intelligent
than first had met my eye,
I wondered what she thought of me
then, thought I shouldn't pry.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.