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The stream (all workshops)

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With eyes set beyond the horizon
back turned to the distant shore
suspended in the oblivion
between darkness and light
the sound of silence
greets the soul
into a peaceful Nirvana

Garishly paved

Garishly paved

Who will dare to run
the red streets
our young
fall bleeding life

they have turned
corners where jack
waits sharp
eager a hunger
to be sated

the thin blue line’s
ticking off minutes
they don’t know

to many cowards jacking
anyone who wears

colours causing chaos
the commute just
rolls her eyes
travels in a
different direction

the wind blowing downtown

this city is a woman
said the man on collins street
he held a brown bag of fortune
his eyes were salt
someone must love
this body of his
(i wonder if he beats her?)
over tall towers
gulls wheel and rise
trucks stomp and groan

to love a woman is
to try it out for size
what it is to be
a swollen fruit
i too, have a heart
full of redness and
dark seeds
i too, share secrets
and dark truths

Haiku about Owls 5/7/5

Stalker in the night
Prowling from swaying treetops
Owl catches her prey


Strides we make in life’s long journey
The things we acquire, who will own them?
When the sun sets, bringing darkness to bear
On glitzy cars, houses and fêted moments
When tints of candle light are left behind
And the eyes opened to see in silent night

Some may say, the dead have nothing
When material reality is a by-product
Of the coming and going from this world
Others may say the dead live in our recalls
Had names, and if not, just call them things
For something can not come from nothing

Oh, Mother

Oh, mother
Dressed in misery
Your broken spirit
Darkens the heavens

Democracy’s birthplace
Left in the hands
Of savages
That left decency
Somewhere far away

Uncertainty dances
To the sound
Of shattered

The quiet night
Is woken
By corruption’s

Pericles cries
from his grave
as Socrates
debates tyranny
Children of tomorrow
watch parents
sell their fortunes
for a piece
of comfort

Paintings that Swirl

It's been more than thirty years since I gave up smoking
but I never wrote a poem about my secret craving while
draining the spaghetti, waiting for you to come home

don't have the habits no more that led to old habits
rising to the ceiling, declaring their independence,
while listening to Billy Collins read his poem
about his last best cigarette,


Do ghosts of Clovis people walk
in woods beside me as I wander?
Are they with me as I stalk
sharing every hunt, I wonder?

I've found some shards they left behind
both in forests and plowed meadows.
Each time I do it brings to mind
I'm not the first to walk these sylvan shadows

In the low rustle of oak leaves
are those muted whispers that I hear
woven among the gentle breeze?
If so, the soft words are unclear

Bottle Badness

snarl the tin lid
the fluid futility
burning down the throat
like the most sensual
burning fire
moat madness
on the choppy wake
You and your wary eyes
but you still love me
still hold my hands still
as you show me a letter
a book a ship in a bottle
to settle me
before I climb the walls
and sing to tyranny
or weep against a wall
for bitterness swept like
broken promises

cumulative shelter
we collect our thoughts
like watts
our needles dancing


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