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The stream (all workshops)

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Eight-thirty pm,
the whole sky to himself,
a bird flies home.

To Sir, With My Love

I don't mean to hurt anyone here,

All my life I have composed
Through the darkness of the eerie nights,
When the mind is free
Without any inhibitions


When I read some ones poetry
I get my own vision


Compose that's all.
If you don’t like me
At least I thank thee,
For seeing the ray,
streak of brilliance
That you do say,
Comes once amongst a billion rays

Many dawns have lapsed,
My lonely pathway
That’s about all what I can say

The Nature of the Least

With a longing I must nurture
I've a passion for the past,

at a crossroads in the future
each decision, might be my last.

Insecure about my choices,
that I'm coerced to make,

I can only hear their voices
it's their timbre, I can't take.

My agenda's never hidden
so, it's hard to make my way;

against those who make their bidding
no matter what they do, or say.

I'm driven to the horizon
but, my pathway seems to fade;

the politics of never learning Swahili

I never learned Swahili
in the American marketplace
bankers, Realtors and lawyers,
pundits, corporations and dissidents
oh my,

who would I be now without
Siddhartha egging me on
into my heart of darkness?

thieves rescued me and hunters
wounded me, the prey elusive
in their infrared sight, I loved them
all, but not later

I was a Nomad foraging through
deep roots, hacking off words
that seemed superfluous, I stood
on the edge,
a woman of strawberries.

When The Light Goes Go

When The Light Goes Go

I watched from my car, sitting outside the electric co op
At people racing to pay bill before their lights go out
A manager unlocking door to let out last customer
Is a hometown friend of my hubby and didn’t have the heart to say
We’re closed, so she let him in

Soft Whirlwind

Feels like a soft whirlwind
Caught in the space between
The instant I see your face
Till I finally taste your smile.

Seems only moments ago our hearts joined
And feels like years plus a day
Since I heard your enticing voice
Sensual and low next to my ear.

Anticipation dances on my lips
Quivering blood rushes in my veins
Empty arms reach forward
Restless to feel the impassioned heat of your skin


I will miss the acrobatic squirrels
as they vault from tree to tree
searching for an acorn treat
while they fuss and bark at me.

I will miss the speedy rabbits
as they sprint from the brier patch
brown blurs dodging red tail hawks
when they dive beneath the thatch.

I will even miss the feral hogs
all their grunting as they root about
snuffling for some roots and grubs
with their blunt and muddy snout.


From the twelfth to the fourteenth tome
Kings chronicled their might and powers
Where a great ruler made a solemn request
For knowledge and wisdom above all else
To regulate fairly over all his subjects

In league with Hiram’s adroit workmen
Bequeathed a temple legacy to the craft
With treasures buried under the stones
Men went in search of a hush-hush grail
That remains elusive to the mundane


Drip, drip, drip,
like a faucet leaking slow,
running through my mind,
like a rabbit in the snow.

Tick, tick, tick,
like a clock that counts the time,
snatching at my focus,
whirling like a dime.



I miss my suit navy blue
the buttons on my Ralph Laurens
crispy white
the times I could tie my shoe
and the nights my bladder made the loo

most of all I miss
my Calvin Klein underwear
boxers, briefs, high rise, low rise
any kind of rise
Speedos that set hearts reeling
Jockeys with that special feeling.

yet when all is said and done
the packaging may change
but the merchandise is still the same…


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.