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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Shining As Diamonds

Scattered pieces of glass
upon the ground
Sparkling like diamonds
As if looking at a starry night

Each conveying
a different angle of light
Just as human life might

If only we look deeply
Can we see the brilliance
Shining through so bright

We are as scattered glass
Each emanating our light
In the eyes of another’s sight

We are scattered upon the earth
Without knowing that we’re pieces
Of something larger, that is a whole

Canyon Echoes

How did we get here from so very long ago?
Seems like only yesteryear with faces all aglow.
When I was but a girl and you my handsome beau.
We set out towards the future as if we did not know.
The enormity of changes that we would undergo.

We did not know at the beginning of this innocent romance.
One day we would find ourselves with just a backwards glance.
Here at such an ancient age in just this circumstance.
Yearning for our youth now spent, and for a second chance.
The recollection of our passion now seems a perfect dance.

Flight Number Neopoet

I was flying last week

My co-passenger was from

'' Holland''

I felt twas my good luck
traversing the seven seas
with your perfumed poetry...
I nearly asked of him
then fell short of words,
he ought to have known
the poet in you


Maragaret Ann Waddicor 4th March 2012.

Far out on a limb,
the old rotting limb of a forgotten past,
peppered with sounds and syllables
of sentiments passé in modern minds,
a washed-up-on-the-beach-flotssam
of forgotten dreams,

woven into the sands of the day,
their time too passing every nanosecond,
all soon to be gathered up
and plunged into the deep of the ocean,
watered down to a whispering squeal in the wind,
and never heard of again.

Twas Heaven

I was actually in heaven
for five minutes
lost in memory
some one had forecast
i'd come back
so I did...
yes it was a real rebirth
but i shall call it an awakening
only I was in the hills
under a machine
ripped apart
then the tree
held it
till I was apart


wash the sins
remove the clots of history
caught between us
like a shadow borne
an orphan of love
that rocks the doors
adorns the chairs
our restless dreamfire
shoal with sleeping
bottom shorn ideals

the soul of sadness
sobbing in the light
of sighing streetlamp

hushed like a wind
that huddles against
the chest needing
needing love


puta de ruas
Minais Gerais
sombra sem lua
movendo-se em vôo
o é que faiz?

quem saberá noite
da sua mordida,
puta de ruas
Minais Gerais

Whore of streets
Minais Gerais
moonless night
shadow moving
in flight

who will know
the sting
of your treacherous
Whore of streets
Minais Gerais

Minais Gerais a province north of Rio

For My Walking Space Heater/Teddy Bear/Sun ♥

pretty as the moonlight,
she gave me saturn's rings,
she shines just like the stars at night,
and other shiny things.

a roller coaster's waiting
and the floor's covered in sand,
somehow she finds meaning
in what noone can understand.

i think we might be crazy,
it must be both, you see,
because you MUST be crazy
if you can put up with me!

a little bit of nonsense
and a magic mustard seed,
throw in a few rainbows
and that is all i need.

That be the Cool

Suspend one from the highest point of Kilima
vine down into it's rich soil
righteously rooted is the jazz and jinn that possesses em
one to search the ends of creation
just to hear how sweet it is . . .
to lend ones ear to perfection
the thick rods of bamboo flip to a hit
fresh skins over the magnificence of the Conga drums
slap, slap . . . open tone, tone
stellar horns of elephants tusks
blowing to the rumbling beat
of running buffalo feet
sweeping rites off victoria falls

A light history in meandering

If I walk slowly now, they catch up with me
I squirm and face the horizon
Trying to avoid
The mildew and mould of the ancient thing
Any whiff of it, a vague and present torture in slow motion


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.