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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The Home Fires

Oxen of the sun
birthing canal
Wilde on his rock
colouring banal

Bram stoking fires
Behan's door ajar
Kavanagh with kindling
hailing Synge from afar

Yeats in Ithicabra
polishing his horse
Beckett in Bray
waiting in morse

Joyce yet awanders
ash thatched to hand
plitting a plot, plotting a plan



O homem quem gasta a vida
Procurando um tesouro
Perde aquêle que deixou
Não sabendo

Eu sou os raios dourados
do sol
meus olhos lapis lazuli
e meus labios rubis de sangue vermelho
meu coração opalas puros
brilhando reflexões na luz
da minha malancolia

The man who spends a lifetime
Looking for a treasure,
Loses the true one he left behind
not knowing.

in passion i cry

there is more to loving than having sex
so much more to hugging than french kissing
in passion I cry, be my love always

not just my lover

make me rain in the late hours of midnight
let my heart sing bump bump tonight my love
the pressure builds inside my limp body

listen to bones crack in my inner tighs
feel joint slip out of place welcoming you
stand up as flood gates burst open suddenly

The hot steamy masses flow freely from
passion bellowing everytime we make love
in passion I cry, be my love always

Arnald and The Red Baron

There he goes again
the defiant determined
young fighter pilot

Racking up kills
never getting enough
scanning the skies
for the infamous Red Baron

A bright red plane
with iron crosses
on the ends of its wings

Constantly thinking how if only
he could shoot him down
the amount of fame and glory
he would receive

How he would be the one
who shot down the Red Baron
this infamous German fighter ace

A Hopeless Romantic Daydreaming of Love

Sitting on the edge
of the railroad tracks
watching the trains
going by

Thinking about
the woman
I left behind

Closing my eyes
she is in my arms
I can feel
her shoulder length black hair
blowing in the wind
brushing against my chest

As the hem
Of the dress she wears
Flutters in the gusts
Created by the passing trains

This sweet perfume
of an aroma
emanates from her into my nostrils
bottling up inside my nose
so I can carry it with me
where ever I go

The Little Sparkle In Her Eye

The flickering light of fireflies
in the dark
are no match
for the sparkle
in her eyes

They are pools of water
of which I never
want to come out of
so cool and comforting

Two constellations in the sea
we call life
always calling and
leading me home

Beacons of light
in the darkest of times
leading me away from
the deadly rocks of disgust
keeping me in calmer seas

Unbound in the Deep

The rock on which I foundered
has rollen down the hill
to rest upon the Styx dark bank
where the waters yet run still

The coal-shell chain
that cloaked my face
lays shattered in the moss
gathered by my tortured hand
to pay the fare across

The silent sighs that echo
from the endless night below
strap themselves to my shame
as He begins to row

Hooded in a rosewood mist
from crown to rotten sole
he points a leaden finger
toward a swooping, lifeless crow


soul handset
I hear the sigh and whisper
breath against my heart
as the day turns dark

you the hunter of the spark
the hardcore scrapes
the soul crash stark

when you smile you glitter
melting all the ferocious
and claim your mark

Promise me

Yesterday was Tomorrow
Today will be Yesterday
My life will cease meaning,
after my last breath

Your pain won't restart my heart
Tears can't wash away death
Screams won't supply me air
I can't come back

Stop your sobs
Listen close
Tomorrow will soon be over
Today lost in time
Let me go
I'll be a forgotten memory


Do what I can't
What I refused
Succeed Love...
Promise me

Babies that should have known loving

I wonder if you see my gifts most times
Cos you are lost - In the turmoil
Of your own drive to be enough
& I know how that feels
It’s a too common
Of our deprivation
Babies that should have known
loving & nurturing
A solid belief in a life worth growing into
I had to teach myself these things
& you in your way
You learned to survive
& I love your integrity
& wish for you so much more
not just Moleskins & Birkenstocks
but faith in yourself


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.