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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



The melody in my heart turns discordant
My tears freeze midway down my cheeks
To my flesh I've now become a servant
And my mind with immense sorrow, leaks.

Pain is a constant visitor
In this damned body of mine
Guilt, ever so sinister
Charges me a heavy fine

Anxieties like large, flesh-eating termites
Crawl up my every opening
Feasting greedily on my insides
Dear Lord, what is happening?


Awake the sun heat spirits
dance through glades of ghost
grass where the whispers
of the winds stir hairs
on napes of necks
and your Blazing disc discourage
noon ruckus in sweat
trickle runs between thoughts
thick and sticky

Swelter up the power grid
where hipsters sip pina coladas
and ribbon streamer conditioned
air slips into rooms

while fire hydrants spray kids in
cities where the rivers far
and the lakes not safe
cool active minds and bodies
in motion

even if

even if perception was to loosen exponentially
until we could feel realities blend
the colour of twilight be seen in its divinity
through all our senses to gently wend

even if strings that vibrate through forever
releasing acoustics of every single round
that exists within the chromatic scale of ever
should on our ears progressively sound

even if piquant flavours of eternity
did assault our appetites to taste
aromas roaming in blank perpetuity
over our palates softly baste

A New Moon is Out Tonight

how about the lightening bugs
aren't out tonight
stare into the darkness
for glimpse of just one

the tall shadowy trees
under the starlights does twinkle a little
with sparkles of light
imagined they are fire bugs

but, know it's not them
just wishful thinking on my part
realizing the full moon no longer shines
so bright through my den's window

the new moon is out tonight
the only things shining bright
stars i wonder about
that forms andromeda and pegasus 

Inch Worm

Inch worm,
Measuring my thumb,
I ponder the size of your heart,
Its tiny valves and arteries,

The size of your brain,
Containing knowledge of survival,
Peaceful, little creature,
As you keep to yourself,

Small being you are not frightened,
Of a warm and large hand,
Do you go about your day,
Counting steps along the way,

Who am I to say you do not think?
Who am I to say you cannot feel?
Then I wonder what or whom you may love,
With all your tiny, little heart.

lovely rosy

lovely roses

we all love roses
both when alive
when we die,
we take their perfume along
those left behind,
place roses in pages of books
as bookmarks
for the end of time ...
when newer generations
repeat the same story of love
we all have
had in mind ...
roses are for ever
dear friends…
of mine

Ilusiones [Spanish-English]


No tengo más ilusiones
de grandes amores
ni golpear siquiera
otros corazones.
Soy hombre raro
apasionado y vulnerable.
mas son lobos y chacales
los que huelen
mi sangre
y en sus dientes tener
en esperanza de comer


Bliss (plus revision)

Bliss (original)

most of all, I miss our mingled laughter...

traveling the telephone lines,
burning away the many miles
of the abyss of distance between us,
your heart and mine.

your envisioned smile
took me to an elevated state of bliss...

Bliss (suggested changes)

most of all, I miss our shared laughter...
traveling the telephone lines,

banishing the many miles
of the abyss between,
your heart and mine.



by RW

parched beyond ability to speak
the dust, the crust, I must get to the peak
shared desert home with scorpions
aeons, sidewinders nudging me for warmth
I bit them for the wetness of the blood
did roaring distant sounds deceive my ears?
had madness claimed the final game of years?
I stirred at sunset, gray, spectral
to seek the noise and speak the joys
of the wellspring from which I'd run

Doom On My Own Terms

I want to wear bandoleros
to work
be a bandido
dancing a dangerous bolero
through a growling fanfare of gunsmoke

a desperado
living outside someone else's law
one step ahead
of my overly enculturated


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.