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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.




In the twilight of the nordic night, the robin sings,
the dawn, now not confined to morn, in balmy
evenings soft with dew, or summer's blooms
perfuming blade and branch, in mellowed
atmosphere, suffused with wine of sweet liquors.
What peace, what breath of nocturne dreams,
secure from fears and dreaded thoughts, when
winter rips and rends this gentle nature's dress.

the darkest hour'......Edit BY Judyanne

eyes drooping
away from a cloudy sky
lightening threatening
thunder rolling
a splash of daylight
as the sun breaks in
then sudden rain in full fury

folks run for shelter
in a huff and hurry
God plays merry hell
I stand dumb-founded
spell bound
lost voice
unable to yell
the shadows move around
as they do in hell

roads vanish
and the sea swims in
a miniscule moment
time wise tsunami

all hang upon trees
now growing atop roof tops

I was thought out thinking

I was thought out thinking…

Forgetting with Jack

we sat and listened
as his heart broke
a crack was heard
as each word spoke

he had lost sight of truth
when he was betrayed
tricked by her slight of hand
seduced with a magical cat

a bar stool found
his searching feet,
and his hand found Jack

purpose drained
as each glass emptied
reason and sanity fell away

shimmy with the sham
the glue gun bold hold
like spot welding

slap a thigh and tell
me the Hull is fresh
for frolic

Cut plasma ideology
with the tip of your intellect
like a cats tongue
sipping cream
on a polished floor
from a turquoise bowl

marvel of engineering
she moves smooth
gliding through the
in her
repaired retro dress

cough up some love
to slip inside
the warm smooth

its her world
and she'll
eat it up


A weaver bird held a steady grip on the line
Contrasted partner’s oomph partly dissipated
The rattled ranting male looked tattered in the scrap
Derelict and unable to return the craze
With misgivings on both sides, they bunged the pastime
Seemingly quizzical, she chased out her lover

WAKING RHYME (final revision)

I didn't sleep again today, it sucks
but that is my usual insomniac way
running, drugs, bad books don't aid
it doesn't help to run away,
I've considered a blade.

I'll get up and walk around, even run
for no productive purpose i can see
my general premise isn't a sound one
but I'll be the best that I can be

so wash and eat, the basics help
even if it seems inept to do
I ask you, seriously?
what would you do?

Uluru Dreaming

try taste the shades of sunshine, drink in the changing hue
that tint the aura outline surrounding Uluru
there see the desert sing soft, while painting in review
the Dreamtime and its secrets, from red to violet blue

eternal in the Dreaming, before and after end
a record of creation, deep in landscape penned
there, too, resides life’s sacredness in every groove and bend
communicate with spirits when touching them my friend

Marble My Memory

How cunning a demon, this thing we call Fate,
In the shadow of time she coils in wait,
Adrenaline her drug, and hope is her bait
The world was mine, but she chose the date.

Like so many damned, I thought I could win
Joining the world of adventurous men,
I scoffed as I passed her shadowy den
But Fate simply snickered, and then lured me in…

“So step to the table, it’s Russian Roulette,
Pull your soul’s trigger, it’s not over yet
You’ve trained for the worst, how bad can it get?
Each fight is a chance to stake a new bet!”


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.