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The stream (all workshops)

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Old Leather Heart..

Old Leather Heart..

What ails you now old leather heart,
like me can you not bear her grieving.
From one that’s always been a part,
of my joys, or sadness when leaving.

You loved her as did I my friend,
she did so brighten our dreary lives.
We must remain on task until it’s end,
a pledge, made on blood wet knives.

We’ve travelled far and seen so much,
but left a great many comrades behind.
Terrible times we’ve had lives to touch,
on a hard road not marked nor signed.

Autumn Home

The wistful wind
The tide of the trees
The red and gold color of crisp fallen leaves

The vast green floor
And blue tapestries
Blew right through me with the gentle breeze

My peaceful soul
Knows its home
This great rock of which I roam

Indian Summer

Like Indian summer,
Her smile holds the color in his fall.
She warms the days
And keeps off the frost of lonely nights.
Retarding winters rush a while longer.
Those wretched winds will with certainty come at last.
But in their coming, the memory of his
Indian summer will keep him warm.

K A R T E S I A N . . O V A L

fire shears
our curves

you a temp
i the tramp

Starlucks coffee
stirring hope
while dry paper
pages turn
and the world

embitter me
with fullness
of want
fill a hand with
a touch

raise our skins
from the night
in harried morning
full of gravel dust

tingling of bliss
beneath a showers hiss
sent off on the tube
with a well placed

rotary hearts
driving compression
we go round
and round

If I am forgotten~Wendy read me a story

If I am forgotten
I want you to know

as the blinding light of summer
turns to fall, a shimmer,
daffodils turn to seed,
drifting on the breeze
I am walking to forget you

another part of me
runs eternity to forgive you,
once there was within
thee a breath of life
bound in our blood
your joy was my blessing
your sadness, shared

Anzac and incense
my memories of you,
whenever terror grips me
thoughts wander to safer times
sleeping back to back with you


Your Joy-Stealer
will drain

It flows like
toxic spill
bubbles and
in you

Light and dark
Joy and misery
Ebb and flow

Who will know

Dark in your tunnel?
dark in your head?
dark in your exit?

So, no escape
it's a bleak

Takes no prisoners
this Joy-Stealer

You could be wise

Then the creeping
assailant strikes!

And with A Smile

Sleep you say and with a smile
Dismiss me for a little while
Now left alone here one more time
Allowing dreams to fill my mind.

But could you see beyond the smile
There swims a lonely crocodile
In frigid waters dark and deep
I pray for peace in which to sleep.

And when sleep calls me one more time
A frightful thought invades my mind
Are nightmares real can someone say
What words will make them go away.

Guileful Mask

No man can win without love
Being wise can give you power
Men seeks happiness their own way
What makes man feel the way they do?

No man can be powerful without strength
Strength is given by loving others
A soul loves for he wants love
Who gives love when hate is given?

No man can be strong without faith
A soul is made from faith
God made faith for he is faith
Why care if you are your own?

Falls, the Silent Killer...

Killer stole into the room
White shoes and whiter shirt

He carried thoughts of violence
To do a world of hurt

He'd had enough of this patient's noise
Went and donned a good disguise

Stood listening to the silence
With pure malice in his eyes

Couldn't sleep a wink last night
With all the big commotion

Felt his headache pounding
Waves on a stormy ocean

All day today it was the same
Screaming and some curses

Had all of the attention here
Killer couldn't get the nurses


There’s a hushed quality to my life.
A catch in the voice, the radio low.
Logging on before dawn,
tap, tapping things out.

The ghost gums sway
as if danced by the wind.
Nor’easters blow more and more these days.
The birdsong choir a nervous shout.

The shopping mall is preoccupied.
Kids cry on like cathedral bells,
innocence peeled...
but we’re not devout.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.